Chapter 2

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        The realization hit me like a truck. They were going to kill Eiysa. My knees crumpled beneath me, and I hit the floor with a loud thump. Breathing was out of the question. Air wasn't finding my lungs. The walls felt as if they were closing in. I clutched my chest, struggling to find the air that desperately needed to fill my lungs. Eiysa was only five, she didn't understand why she was here or why there were so many rules. A strangled sob left my mouth, I didn't realize at first that what I was doing was the thing I hated the most. Crying. I was crying. It wasn't just that either, I was full-on sobbing. I couldn't control it. My heart felt as if it was shattered. We've been here for so long, and so many of my friends have died. Someone's arms wrapped around me, I recognized them as Sherri's. I looked up and saw Mika was being held by Iago.

       Mika's best friend has just been taken away from her. I stood up and ran over to the metal door, banging on it, yelling every swear word possible to mankind. My fists were bloody and the door wasn't even fazed. Hands tried to pull me away from the door, but I didn't stop. Claws extended from my fingers scratching and clawing at that stupid door. Voices were heard down the hallway, Eiysa's screams filled the facility. I listened to her pleading and begging, and continued to bang on the door. Demanding that they bring her back. That's when Onix appeared with a fresh wing binder. I stopped screaming as he put the binder on. Pain filled my back and I collapsed to the floor.

       I felt numb. I wasn't crying, yelling, or anything. I was just numb. I walked over to where everyone was eating lunch. One apple and a pear. I didn't eat, I just went to my corner and pretended to sleep. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I looked up to see Iago's warm face. He offered me some soup from a bowl I didn't recognize. I declined. The truth was I couldn't eat the same food that my sector mates did. My malfunction made it so I could only eat something called Jahna. Jahna is a brand of food made for dragonians (people with dragon malfunctions) It was created so we wouldn't starve.

    Iago frowned and tried to offer me the soup again. Confused I mumbled, "You know I can't eat that, right?" Iago set the bowl down and pointed to my hand.

"Iago, please just speak... No one is listening." I looked him in the eye as I spoke.

I was the only one Iago spoke to since we've been here the longest. He sighed and whispered,

"Jahna." He pointed to the bowl as he spoke. My eyes widened.

   "How did you get this?!" My voice was an excited whisper. I took the bowl and smelt it. The aroma was strong. My mouth watered at the sight of the bowl. I raised it to my lips and drank the soup in three gulps. I heard Iago giggle under his breath. "Shut up I haven't eaten in a month. Onix delivered a small plate of Jahna bread once a month, so I wouldn't starve to death.

"Alice..." Iago whispered I was confused I knew there was a guard named Alice, but guards are supposed to work in the lab. Onix was the only one supposed to care for us.

Iago smiled and gave me a small piece of paper. I opened it and read.

      Hi Lucia, I've heard lots about you from Onix, I'm giving this to Iago because I want you to know that I'm on your side. My brother was dragonian. He was in hiding for the longest time before Zoro found him. I realized you were probably starving so I'm going to try and get you Jahna as much as I can. I have a malfunction too. No one knows about it. I can breathe underwater. I've decided that we need a symbol so you know who to trust. I will be wearing a red pin on my lab coat. That is our symbol. Look for the red pin.


     Stunned I handed the paper back to Iago. He smiled and took my shaking hands whispering, "You don't have to starve anymore."

I smiled and walked over to show the others the piece of paper. Maybe there was hope after all. 

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