-Chapter 15-

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My wings were uncomfortable. In order to hide them, Anubis had cut into the back of two large backpacks so our wings would sort of fit inside them. It kind of worked, but not very well. Hiding my horns was easy, I just wore a beanie. To be completely honest, I was nervous about going down to the police station, but I needed to see if Sherri and Nick were there. The people would be confused about the flower on Nick's head and the color of Sherri's eyes. I had a mug with me full of Lemon tea. I liked the taste of it. It was warm. Anubis had bandaged my neck to hide the bruising, the bandages were uncomfortable.

The police station was gray, not a large building. It was intimidating; cages everywhere that were called cells, and people yelled at and fought each other in the concrete yard.

"Hey, Moe! I got some new roommates and they think some of their friends got arrested recently, so we wanna bail them out if we can! We just gotta confirm who they are." Anubis spoke to a man with a scruffy look, he had a shaved beard and a greasy mustache. His hair was black and he wore a stained blue shirt with a badge. The man nodded and walked into the back of the building. Coming out with two kids I had never seen before. They were young, maybe 11 or 12. They had bruised eyes and were pretty roughed up.

"I have never seen these guys in my life- All I did was take some cigs man- why you tryna stick me with randos" One of the kids remarked at the man who I believed was Moe. Moe sighed and took the kids back. I turned and walked out, disappointed and worried. Ozz trailed behind me.

"We'll find 'em don't worry. Nick's strong and with Sherri's brain, ha, they're probably doing better than us right now." Ozz put a hand on my shoulder. I let out a small chuckle.

"Welp, I'm guessing that wasn't them." Anubis walked out and opened the door to the truck. I shook my head and climbed in.

"That's a shame. I need to run to the store real fast and pick up some stuff for you two, you guys can pick out some clothes." Anubis started to drive and I took a sip of my tea. To be honest, I didn't know what a lemon was, but it tasted good. I wanted to ask, but Ozz didn't understand morse code and it still hurt to speak. The drive didn't last long. We pulled into a place Anubis called a shopping mall. There were tons of people everywhere. I did not want to get out of the truck. Ozz opened the door and hopped out, adjusting the beanie on his head. I didn't budge, I stared at the entrance terrified.

Anubis looked into the truck, not coming in, just extending his hand once more.

"Hey Lucia, I won't let anything happen to you guys in there. I promise, no one will notice your wings. You will be safe."

I nodded slowly and began to take his hand. I debated going out and eventually moved his hand aside and got out of the truck. The mall was huge, full of people and threats. Anubis led us to a store full of shoes. Right now Ozz and I were only wearing socks.

The shelves were full of boots, heels, sneakers, and sandals. I scanned the different items making sure I could see Ozz and Anubis at all times. My eyes trailed off to these boots that had buckles up the sides and a 3 inch heel, They were black leather. I pulled them onto my feet and immediately fell in love. I ran over to Ozz and showed him the boots. Ozz smiled.

"Those look great! Look what I found!"

Ozz pointed down to his feet and showed me a pair of simple black combat boots. I smiled and clapped a tiny bit. I began to walk out of the store when Anubis gasped and yanked me back. I wasn't expecting his grasp so I swung back and extended my wings, ripping the backpack in the process. Anubis panicked and froze. Ozz dropped the shoe box he had picked up, and ran over to me, quickly trying to make an escape plan.

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