-Chapter 12-

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*Warning, mention of self-harm and suicidal thoughts* 

When I came to, I found myself in a much smaller room than the old one. This one had no mattress, and the walls were made of metal. Two sets of chains were on the wall. One of which was attached to my ankles—the other led to the sleeping form of Ozz. I expected myself to cry. Iago and Mika were both gone. Yet, I couldn't find the willpower to do so. My wing was scabbed over, a painful reminder that I was still alive. The door was sealed shut with 16 different deadbolts. Only a tiny trapdoor, barely big enough to fit a water bottle, was open. A tray of food was right in front of it. On the tray was a foam cup of water and one pear.

"You finally awake, love?" A rough voice called from my left.

"I thought you were asleep." my voice was dry and void of intense emotion.

"Been awake for a while now. There's not much to do in here." Ozz tugged at the chain on his ankles. "It's mighty uncomfortable too." He made a tch noise and looked up at me.

"I was gettin' worried. You've been out for three days, I think." He sat up, relief in his eyes.

"How is that possible?" I reached for the cup of water, handing it to him.

Ozz shook his head and motioned for me to drink. "When you went all nuts on the guards, they shot ya' with a tranquilizer of some kind."

"What the hell is a tranqa-thingy" I took a small sip of water, pouring some of it on my hands, attempting to wash some of the blood off. Ozz chuckled and shook his head.

"It's like a needle that puts you to sleep. They shot it at you. How's your wing?"

I moved it towards him, "It's painful, but I can deal. How does it look?" I heard Ozz wince.

"It looks, uh, it looks... It looks bad, love." He sighed, "It's bruising, nice and purple. We need to get it iced."

I moved closer to him, the chains on my ankles preventing me from moving very far. Ozz noticed and moved closer to me as well. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What happened while I was out?" I looked up at him.

He sighed, "A lot. Sherri and Nick escaped after you murdered most of the guards.." I winced. "Hell' Nick dragged Sherri out while I was waking up... The carnage was insane. Some men came a little later. They were dressed in black. They tried to help me. I think. I'm not sure. They were all killed almost immediately. We were then thrown in here."

Behind the door came the sound of many keys and keypad codes being entered. The screech of the metal sliding across the concrete floor felt as if my ears were bleeding. A man, approximately 7 feet tall, stormed inside and ripped my chain back away from Ozz, a disgusted look across his face as he spoke. The man wore a distinguished outfit with a giant feather boa around his shoulders.

"So the little uranium lizards are in love, how disgusting. You creatures will call me Lucien. I'm your new guard or whatever. I have two main rules: You will listen to me and only me, and you will not speak in my presence. If you break either of them, you will regret being born in the first place."

Lucien was intimidating, to say the least, he had green hair with dark roots, and his eyes were a fierce gold. Underneath his left eye was a tattoo of a butterfly. He had dark circles all around his eyes (which I later learned was called eye shadow). He had sunglasses on his nose that had gold plating around them. He was intimidating, but he was a good-looking man.

I started to speak, "Bold of you to assume I'd be scared of a guar-" *CrUnCh* I screeched. Lucien's hand was holding the top of my injured wing, his grip shattering the bones inside it. Ozz tried to move, but the chains on his ankles prevented him from going very far.

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