Chapter 10

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A guard shook me and Ozz awake. Nick was gone from the room. Mika was softly snoring, still asleep. Iago and Sherri were staring at the guard. Something was off; I could feel it in my gut. I jolted up fast and was dragged through a maze of hallways. My eyes were eventually covered with some kind of cloth. We walked for around ten-ish minutes until they removed the blindfold. I was outside what looked like my living space. Inside was a masked figure, a table, and two chairs. The guard who was escorting me shoved me down in the empty seat. The room was peculiar. The walls were covered in a pale yellow wallpaper. There were no vents or bars on the door. The floor was carpeted, a light tannish color.

"If it isn't my favorite dragonian, Lucia, how wonderful of you to join me." The masked figure has a sickly sweet voice. It made me shiver.

"Who the hell are you?" I spat back. Fluffing my wings out on instinct.

"I felt you were old enough to meet me finally. I'm Zoro."

My blood ran cold instantly. The person responsible for all the deaths I was forced to witness. The person responsible for me being trapped here. The person responsible for taking away childhoods and forcing us to live lives of fear and pain. That person was right in front of me. I lunched forward, claws out, ready to destroy the mask that concealed the face of pure evil. I screamed, reaching my hand as far across the table as possible.

Five... Five guards were on top of me in seconds. Restraining me onto the ground. I slashed and clawed, but it was no use.

"Argh... What do you want? Why did wanna talk to me, huh? Answer me, ya' asshole!" I spat at him. He sighed and wiped off the saliva from his mask. I got my head slammed into the floor for doing that. Worth it.

"What I want from you is simple, Luc-"

"Don't you dare call me that! You don't get to call everyone else by their eye color and only me by name." I dug my claws into the carpet. Zoro cleared his throat.

"I wanted you to know who I was. You must know why you're here. The scales of your wings produce something called uranium, a valuable resource. Liquid uranium also runs in the Male dragon's blood. But what we are interested in is the girl."

I gritted my teeth. Glaring up from the carpet. I fluffed my wings, making one of the guards grab onto it and shove it down.

The guards lifted me from the floor, but they continued to hold me in place. "You see, the child with the purple eyes has great potential. We needed to have her removed from the living quarters so she could be moved to the next facility."

"You've kept me here for seven, almost eight years, and you still expect me to believe there's another facility. You can't do more testing because you've lost interest." I snarled back at him.

"Smart dragon."

"Why did you think I was the one you needed to distract?" I raised an eyebrow, generally asking a question. I was strangely calm, considering the situation.

"You're the strongest, and that was proven when you killed my best guard." Zoro showed no emotion in his voice. He just interlaced his fingers and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm not the strongest... I'm just the one tired of your crap!" I attempted to spit at him again but got my head slammed into the ground.

"Alice was stupid enough to provoke me. She revealed herself too soon if ya' ask me. If I were a spy, I would've at least let kids try an escape first!" I laughed.

"This is pointless. Take the dragon back to her room; Eviath should've gotten ahold of the purple-eyed by now." With a flick of his hand, I was grabbed by my hair and dragged back down alleys of hallways.

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