Chapter 5

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Carry on...

So finally, I pulled up to that nigga's crib, not giving a damn 'bout the way I parked. I saw his black porsche parked in the driveway so I know that nigga home. Walkin' up to his front door, I banged on that shit hard. I hope for his sake that he ain't here but I also want him to be here so I could release all this anger I got out on him. After a few seconds, the door didn't open and now I was gettin' impatient. That's not a well mix for me to be beyond pissed and aggravated all at the same time.

Havin' enough on waitin' on this nigga, I fiercly kicked the door open only to see a bunch of luggages lined up on the side of the hallway. 'Is this nigga really tryna escape?' I thought out loud. "Where the fuck you at, Mike?! Don't try to run now, nigga!" I yelled out.

I kept on stalkin' forward into the house, searchin' for this scary ass nigga. "Ya' fucked up! I told you what would happen if ya' touch her again!" I said still lookin' 'round. "Be a real nigga and face me!"

Out of nowhere, someone came from the side and tackled me to the ground. The person then began throwin' punches on me but I was blockin' most of 'em as they was comin'. "You gon' threaten me, nigga?! Over some bitch?!" I quickly then grabbed 'em and threw 'em down off of me. Gettin' up to see the person, it was none other than Michael bitch ass tryna sneak me.

I got on top of him and started to rock his shit with my fist. Feelin' myself gettin' angrier with every hit to his dome. "You tryna sneak me, you pussy!" I yelled while beatin' the fuck outta this nigga like he stole somethin' from me. After seein' him not respondin', I got up off him to give him a chance to fight back. I wanted a fair one. He looks up at me as he spat out blood and then got up off the floor. We were now starin' face to face like how we were at the library.

"So now you gon' fuck up our friendship over some pussy?!" He starts but I just continued to glare at this nigga with pure hatred for him. He began laughin'. "Man, fuck you and that bitch! Y'all both could fuckin' rot!" Poor choice of words.

I pulled out the pistol from out my waistband and shot him on his left kneecap and he yells out in pain. "That one is for Janae," I said and then I aim the gun at his right one and shot him again. "And that one is for Niyah." He went down as he screams out in agony.

"Fuck you, nigga! You better kill me now or else I'mma kill you myself!" He yells. I aim the gun at his head and thought about ending his life right here and now, but I decide that I'm gon' spare him for now. He was a homeboy of mines so it won't be that easy for me to just kill him off. If this was a regular nigga, then I wouldn't have no problem in endin' 'em. "Congratulations, you live to see another day, but we'll meet again soon," I said tuckin' my gun back in my back pocket. "Tread lightly, nigga."

I turn to walk away leavin' this nigga bleedin' out on the floor as he was yellin' out shit. "You better pray that I won't find you, muthafucka! 'Cause it's war now nigga! The Cartel is gon' be on yo' ass, you hear me?! It's war!"

I left his front door open as I got back into my whip and sped off back into the streets, makin' my way over to Mercy Hospital. Everything was runnin' through my mind in milliseconds. Wonderin' how is Niyah doin' and how I'm gon' handle Michael's bitch ass in the future. All of this started to feel like my fault. If I had never introduced 'em back in high school, none of this shit woulda happened. These past few years them two had been toxic with the constant arguin' back and forth, but never had I ever thought Michael would stoop so low by actually layin' a finger on her in harms way. Shit just fucks with me mentally.

In 'bout 15 minutes, I finally made it to Mercy. Even tho' I was speedin' down the highway, it still took a while to get there 'cause the location is hella far. I parked and instantly cringed once I start walkin' towards the front entrance 'cause I hate goin' to hospitals for this exact reason. I remember watchin' my brother die in one of these places. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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