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Hello wonderful humans, here's something to -hopefully- get ya'll excited

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Hello wonderful humans, here's something to -hopefully- get ya'll excited.
CW: mentions of parents death, mentions of physical scars.
Enjoy ♥️

Birds were chirping, the sun was out, but in New York city you wouldn't really be able to hear said birds or really see the sunshine from all the skyscrapers.

That's why I'm getting outta here, Emelia thought with a groan as she carried the last of her boxes out of the apartment into the U-Haul truck she got.
City of dreams my ass! I don't even know what my dream is.. she thought resentfully as she began driving through traffic to get out of the city.

Dropping out during your graduation year is a bold, hard choice. Why would you waste all those years and hard work? Emelia knew how crazy her decision was. God knows her friends didn't let her forget that, or her teachers and faculty administration's shocked faces when she was finalizing the paperwork.

But she couldn't do this anymore. She never wanted to be an English literature major. She just followed her best friend, Wanda, to escape the strictness of her parents. Being an only child didn't mean she would be spoiled. Not in the Grant household anyways.

George and Liza Grant had raised the perfect child. Well mannered, polite, proper and always doing everything to make everyone happy and pleased with her. Even in college, she never stayed out late or partied. Too eager to keep her parents happy with her. Though it never meant much, she could always be better, do better is what she always got from her parents.

Even when they passed away two years ago in a car crash caused by a drunk driver speeding down the wrong lane of the highway, she still maintained her high grades to keep making them proud even in death.

I bet they're rolling in their graves from disappointment now, Emelia thought bitterly. Fuck them and fuck anyone who thinks there is only one way to live life and be good at it! She was resentful towards her parents for taking away her choice of living the way she wants. Not that she actually ever knew what she really wanted anyway. But, she didn't have the option to explore and make mistakes and learn.
She always had a set path to take; education, career in writing like her father, and marrying someone good to her.

All of which are things she didn't have anything against. It just wasn't her. The only truly good thing to come out of the way they raised her is that she saved her money and never spent it in wasteful ways. Add that to all the money she inherited when they passed and she's got a small fortune that she could live off of until she found a job. She can now afford the small apartment she's headed to in Rosewood Village, A small town near the city of New York. Roommate free and independent.

It was a gorgeous, simple apartment on the second floor of the building. And the neighborhood had everything she needed nearby, all within walking distance. And when she was there last, she saw an ad for a barista job on the window of a cozy little coffee shop and she's going to interview tomorrow and hopefully they'd hire her. She loved being a barista when she first started college to help pay rent with Wanda.

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