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*Reminder that Ian and Mickey are aged up to 18 years old*

I fucking hate my life. That was the thought that strolled through my brain every single morning when I opened my eyes and realized that it wasn’t a nightmare. I really was stuck in this shithole. I needed to make some cash; I didn’t care how I did it. I would rob sweet old ladies blind if it meant never seeing this house again.

I hated my family. My brothers were fucking morons and my sister was a slutty pain in the ass. My dad was a disgusting piece of shit who lived in jail more than he lived at home and my mom…forget her.

I was a not so proud part of the Milkovich clan, a large family of criminals hailing from the south side of Chicago. We lived in the slums and were looked down on by even the people in our neighborhood. Maybe that was what bothered me so much about the Gallaghers. They weren’t any better than us, but they sure acted like they were. I couldn’t stand that smartass, Lip or that little bitch, Ian. Their big family rivaled mine when it came to the number of siblings running around. Ian and Lip were the worst of the whole group.

There was something particularly enraging about the ginger, Ian. The way he carried himself and the way he wore his dark red hair got under my skin. I hated him so much that he often consumed my thoughts. This was all before Mandy told me what happened during her visit to the Gallagher house. Hearing what Ian might have done to my little sister stirred a rage that was already blazing inside of me. I was gonna kill him, if only he would've stopped dodging me. What a pussy. If you’re gonna assault a girl, at least be man enough to take her brother's thrashing.

But then, he hadn’t really assaulted Mandy. I couldn’t keep track of her lies, so when she told me she was dating that fire-crotch and that he hadn’t laid an unwanted finger on her after all, I didn’t care. I enjoyed fucking with the ginger and his soft-spoken boss at that shitty store. They were so afraid of me that their store was now my personal snack stash. I had also grown quite fond of the idea of beating the hell out of Ian. The problem was, Ian wasn’t biting. He didn’t even come at me after I kicked Lip's ass, so I had to up my game.

Luckily for me, I had bait. It wouldn’t be long before that ginger fuckhead came calling for his boss's gun. The boss, Kash was worse than Ian, barely ever putting up a fight. That asshole would never have the balls to shoot me. I knew he'd be too scared to fetch the gun for himself, instead sending his lackey to come pick it up for him.

My plans to beat the shit out of Ian didn’t amount to fuck all when he somehow snuck into my house past Mandy and shittiest dad of the year, Terry. My dad had a whore over the night before and they would not shut the fuck up. I hadn’t slept, so when Gallagher crept into my bedroom while I napped, I was embarrassingly unprepared.

I awoke to something metal nudging me in the back. Half asleep, I rubbed my eyes and let Ian’s anxious face come into focus. “Gallagher?”

“I'm here for the gun, Mickey,” Ian told me, gripping his weapon through gloved hands. Was it a crowbar?

“Fine,” I told him as I slowly got out of bed. The first chance I got, I reached for the crowbar. At this point in my life, I was stronger than him and quickly gained dominance.

Somehow, after the struggle, we were both in my bed. I sat on his chest, holding him down while I gripped the crowbar tight, ready to strike a blow.

Ian squeezed his eyes shut, unable to shield his face from the oncoming blunt force trauma. I really could’ve killed him if I wanted to. Yet I hesitated as I stared down at his frightened, freckled face bracing for impact. Why did I hesitate?

Ian's eyes fluttered open when nothing happened. Although he was afraid, when he looked at me, we both knew what the other was thinking.

With my breath growing heavy with excitement, I pulled my own shirt off before yanking off Ian's jacket.

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