This Ain't Goodbye (SMUT)

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It was the morning of Ian's release date and I hadn't slept more than an hour through the night. My thoughts so loud and blasting off in different directions made it impossible to rest.

The florescent lights throughout the cellblock blinked to life, causing me to squint against the glare. I had hoped this morning wouldn't have come so soon.

Slowly, I got out of bed, my joints aching to remind me the years were startling to pile up. Turning, I found that Ian was still asleep in the top bunk.

Peaceful in his slumber, I was reluctant to wake him and bring him back to the real world, the world where we were out of time. Gently, I ran my fingers through his short, red hair. "Wakey, wakey," I encouraged softly. "Congrats, Gallagher. You made it through prison."

With a groan, he covered his eyes with his forearm.

Feeling the clock ticking down our time, I tickled his side until he sat up in his bunk.

Rubbing his eye with the heel of his hand, Ian observed, "you almost seem happy to see me go."

"Just happy for you. I don't want you to remember me as a dickhead, that's all."

Ian released a heavy sigh and hopped down from his bunk. "Not this again. You're gonna see me in a week, then every other week until you're released."

Maybe I was kidding myself, but I believed him. "Yeah, yeah. I thought you'd like me bein' nice on your last day."

Ian shook his head before he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me close. With my ass cheeks in his hands, he said, "I don't want nice. I want you."

With a smirk, I turned my back to him, reaching back to touch his face as he yanked my boxers down. His teeth dragged along my neck before they sunk in hard enough to almost break the skin.

I exhaled with lust, savoring his mouth on my neck as he stroked my cock.

"Cum for me, Mick," Ian begged, breathing heavily in my ear.

And I did, overstimulated by Ian paying attention to two of my three favorite spots for attention and talking dirty in my ear.

With my load in his hand, Ian prepared my asshole for his girth.

"Fuck," I moaned as the head of his cock worked its way into me. Using my cum as lubricant, Ian thrust himself into my ass, forcing me to moan out again, biting my lip to muffle the sound.

As he pounded my ass with expertise, Ian linked his fingers with mine while I gripped his mattress. Slowing his rhythm, he kissed my neck gently, beckoning my lips to find his. Turning my head to the side, I kissed the man I loved as he craned his neck over my shoulder. With his hand on my cock again, Ian told me he was close.

In a mix of aggressive pounding and making love, we came together, so enthralled that once it was finished, both of us were in a daze.

"Damn, I'm gonna miss that," I smirked as we cleaned up and got dressed in our jumpsuits. I turned to face him, pressing my lips to his.

He kissed me back with affection. "Me too. Just imagine how great it'll be the next time we can touch each other."

Wetting my lips, I assured him, "it's the only thing I'm gonna be thinkin' about."

Ian rested his forehead to mine and chuckled sadly. "Hey, you escaped once. Think you could do it again?"

"I'm workin' on it," I half-joked. "You gonna lose your nerve at the border?"

With a glum smile, Ian ran his hands up and down my arms, memorizing my shape and the feel of my skin. "You kidding? I'm not passin' up that beach again."

Holding his face in my hands, I kissed Ian for what I hoped wouldn't be the last time before the morning buzzer went off and the cell door slid open. I tried to smile for him. "Remember, this ain't goodbye. Now, fuck off and go home, Gallagher."

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