17. dizzy spells

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Don't wait or say a single vow.

You need to hear me out,

And they said "speak now"

> Noah's Phone <

>> iMessage <<

Mama <3

Diane: hey baby

Diane: your quarterly report card came in

Noah: I think I did okay.

Diane: it's really fucking good, No. except

Noah: Ah, yes?

Diane: A.P fine arts is a B+

Diane: you can switch to normal classes if its too hard baby

Noah: Not really. It's just not my thing but I had to pick something.

Diane: I know I know but promise me, u will tell me if any class gets hard?

Diane: or anyone?

Noah: I promise.

Diane: I would usually cue my speech now but I don't wanna be that mother

Noah: Yeah, the 'You'll have to work twice as hard for half as much'

Diane: good, u know it

Diane: I love u

Diane: u r literally my whole fucking life

Noah: I knowww, I love you too.

Noah: I found out more about raccoon mating and made a comic

Diane: Is it like the previous one in which the raccoon kills the red fox?

Noah: Nah, it's mostly about this raccoon called Lydia seeking a mate but then she falls in love with a female raccoon.

Diane: Aw, I wanna read that. Print it out. Its better that way.

Shelly(Mom #2)

Shelly: Really nice job on the first quarter!

Noah: Thanks.

Noah: Is ma worrying about the B+?

Shelly: a little? She did earlier but she's okay now, I promise.

Noah: Okay.

Shelly: What happened?

Noah: Nothing at all.

Shelly: is this about the boy u like?

Noah: Nope.

Shelly: okay kid. Remind me to give u a big hug when I m over 😊


"Aren't you hungry?" Conan asks. Noah, who is sitting on their combined desks, doesn't say a word but mindlessly lingers his staring at the rubber band in his hands. It's lunch and most of the seniors drive out of school to the nearest place where the food is better than the half rotten radioactive waste they server at the cafeteria. They like to call it Shepherd's pie but to Conan it tastes like a sheep's dump. "You should get something to eat or does Vick make you lose your appetite?"

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