Chapter 1

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I crouched down on the thick trunk but couldn't get a good enough view. I reached and leaned on a branch. Using my hand I shoved Fry away who was bumping into my head. For being enchanted three days ago he was quite clumsy.

The Wyvern council was definitely talking about me. I was really special apparently. Whatever that meant. I was told this when I was thirteen, when I first got my magic. That was three years ago.

"Fry! You stupid potato, would you stop that?"

He was repeatedly running into the the huge tree trunk behind me. I felt the branch I was leaning on crack and break and was sent tumbling forward, into the council meeting room.

Before I can continue we should start from the beginning.

My name is Ryver Virident! I am sixteen years of age now and I was born under a full green moon.

I know you're probably saying that the moon isn't green.
It's blue! Well it changes colors but usually it's blue! Green is a cursed color in our world. It signifies evil and death. Which is dumb! I like green! It's the most natural color there is.

I grew up in a small kingdom named Virident with my friends.

First is Wren! He has blue and green hair, usually tied in a long ponytail. He's an bird!

He's part of a race called the avian. Half elf half bird. They can transform into birds. And it just so happens that my bestest friends are all avians. Not all avians are named after their type, my friends just are though.

Then there's Otus is the shyest one of our group. He's an owl! A barred owl specifically. He has wings, brown hair that sheds feathers -more than other avian to be exact- and a sharp nose and eyes. But when he was really young he broke one of his wings. He healed after a week but was too scared to fly again.

And last but not least is Raven, the guy that doubles in brains compared to the rest of us. He has black hair and wings on his back to match. He looks like he has never spent a second in the sun he's so pale. He works at my grandfather's library. His outfits usually consist of a sweater vest over a white long-sleeve.

Anyways back to me!
Just a few days ago I made a clay figure to try my magic on. Buuut my magic had other plans for me.

I lit the green fire in my right hand and aimed at the figure but accidentally hit the bowl of potatoes behind it.
So yeah I have an enchanted potato now.

Back to now, I fell into the Wyvern council meeting.
That's not good.

Everyone gasped as I fell right on top of their table.
"Uh-" I sat up quick. "Hey guys! Mind if I join you?"

One of the women grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of there leaving the others in astonishment. "Eavesdropping? Are you serious?" She let go of my arm. "I ought to tell your mother!"

"Sorry grandma..."

"You better be! That was a private meeting! You're almost sixteen you should know better!"

"I know.."

She stormed back into the room. Wait a second. Where was Fry?

Fry was caught in the tree branches. Stupid potato.

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