Chapter 13

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Even though my idea was the best, everyone agreed to keep it in a cage and feed it at my house. My mom came inside soon enough to see it though.

"What in stars name is that thing?"

"It's a tiny horned demon."

"No it's not." Everyone else said in unison to me.

"Well whatever it is I don't want it inside much longer. It's dirty."

"What do we do with it then?" I asked.

"Well one things for sure, don't take it take it to your grandmother. She hates seeing things she hasn't before. Scares the daylights out of her."

We took it to the Library of Records where an acquaintance of ours, Ozzy, was the apprentice of great Alfred Cardinal. He was at least two-hundred years of age.
Raven was confused by Ozzy. She was a boy who wanted to be a girl when she was really young. When she earned her magic she learned a transformation spell that turned her into a girl. Raven accepted her though. 

Ozzy was Alfred Cardinal's great granddaughter and the heir to the Library of Knowledge. He had to teach her everything he knew. She was in my first years of academy but switched to home schooling at fourteen to learn from her great grandfather. Every boy in the academy fawned over her. Mostly because of her bright, beautifully natural cherry colored hair.

She wore her apprentice robe and uniform, her glasses, and tucked her wings behind her. Alfred wore his worn out robe and walked with a cane. His wings didn't work anymore and his eyesight was fading badly.

We arrived at the library which was inside a great willow tree, lighten up by the sun shining through the leafy but magically protected roof so nothing would get wet. It was bigger than normal willow trees, it was given a special liquid to make it grow bigger. WAY bigger.
There was a higher up area -stairs leading to it- and a big tree in the middle to add to the roof. High windows let in more light up above.

The library had records, prophecies, day logs to log every day of the hundreds of moons and more.

Ozzy came down to us from the stairs (the Cardinal family wasn't allowed to fly ever) and greeted us. "Hiya guys! What can I do for you? Want to look at a record or prophecy? Unknown object?"

"Last one," Wren answered. "We don't know what this- is." He took the blanket off the cage to reveal the tiny horned demon. Her cheery expression turned to one of horror but she made no sound.

"Put the blanket back on it! Quick!" She whisper yelled. We were all dragged into a smaller room, another indoor tree, after the cage was recovered. "What are you doing? Bringing THAT here!" She yelled.

"What's the big deal?" Otus asked. "It's just a-"

"TINY HORNED DEMON!" Me and her yelled at the same time. We looked at each other. "Seriously though, bringing that here is extremely dangerous."

"Why?" Raven asked.

She sighed, opened and poked her head out of the door. She looked around then lead us out of the room. "I have to show you something."

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