Chapter 7

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"Hello, kiddo," I saw my grandfather at the counter on the right. "Your friends are in the back room. You can go on ahead." he nodded and I walked across the room and through the door.

There was a private room in the library mainly used for students who need time to study. We used it every week to practice magic. It was a circular room with chairs and bookshelves lining the walls, some desks between the shelves. I entered in on a conversation between my three friends.

"Hey Ryver," Raven said as I closed the door behind me. Wren avoided looking at me.

"Uh hey guys. Is something going on that I'm not a part of orrr-"

"Yeah uh sorry," Wren said hastily. "We're cancelling this week. Sorry. I'm gonna head home."

"Me and Otus are gonna go to his place tonight. We're exhausted."

"Ooh! Can I join?"

Otus and Raven exchanged looks. "Well uh we already made the plans. My mom already has dinner cooked so.."

"Dinner? But it's 10 pm."

"We didn't eat yet and my mom wanted to have dinner late tonight."

"Well that's okay! I'm not hungry."

"No, sorry Ryver." they all got up and left.

Bummed out, I left too and headed to one of my other favorite libraries.

"Hey Alia," I greeted the librarian. It was a small, side shop, sandwiched between two others, only big enough for her to fit in. But she always had the classics and my favorites.

"Hey Ryver. Here to get a new book?"

"You bet. Do you have my favorite?"

"You mean the one you've read a hundred times already?" She teased and leaned over the front desk. Alia was an Eastern Bluebird. Her hair was a shimmering ginger and had blue wings folded behind her. She was a bit older than me and quite sweet. I had known her since I was young since she was my babysitter

"Yup. Is it here?"

"It is!" She went to a shelf and plucked the book off. It was muscle memory for her now. "Here you go! Anything else?"

"Well," I sighed. She nodded for me to sit. I did, and sat on a stool facing the counter. "My friends are avoiding me. I don't know what to do."

"Oh, kid, I'm sorry. Do you have any idea as to why?" I shook my head. "Well maybe they're planning a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" I asked, amused.

She chuckled. "My thirteenth birthday, my parents threw my a surprise party, when I walked through the door I got so surprised my magic set my hair on fire!" I laughed along with her. "After that I kept having magic accidents, setting my blankets and pillows on fire while I slept. From then on I kept practicing to keep it under control. I cut my hair too." She ran her hand through her wavy chin length hair.

"Thank you, Alia, I feel a bit better now."

"Of course, Ryver."

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