Chapter 25

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We all awoke to Kollia yelling. Again. "Everyone wake up. We're almost there. The faster you get up the faster we can leave." We all did as we were told and followed her out of the cave. I didn't see her furosi anywhere.

I was at the head of the group as usual, being the fast walker I was. I tried to press Kollia for Fry but quickly decided that was a bad idea when she took out a smoke ball. I simply groaned and walked in silence the rest of the day.


It was afternoon when we arrived. We stood at the base of a large mountain. Another kingdom. There was a sign nailed into a nearby tree. The sign read 'Quandrin. Population: two thousand sixty-three' That was a lot for a mountain like this. Kollia stood back and studied us. I cocked my head.

"I'm taking you and you." She said pointing at me and Neptune.

"Why Neptune?" I asked.

"I have extensive knowledge about the other kingdoms."

"What she said." Kollia said. "Alright now let's go. The rest of you will stay there."

"I'll only come if I get Fry back." I said, crossing my arms.

"You just won't give up will you?" Kollia asked. She sighed, "Fine, go get him and let's go."

I grabbed him and put him on a string on my wrist and dragged him on a long trek up the mountain.


When we reached the top a furosi flew and joined us. Kollia's furosi. It went and chittered something into her ear.

"Uh. Is that water?" I asked, peering down the wide entrance.

"I told you, it's all underwater." Neptune said. "Though I have no idea how to get inside."

"Seriously? I thought you read about the damn kingdoms! Fine just- just throw somethin in it." She said then nudged a rock into the entrance. It plopped into the water and sank. We stood and watched. After a minute something was quickly rising.

A creature splashed out of the water. A Quandrin. "What do you think you're doing? Huh? Why do you think it's okay to just throw a ROCK into someone's home?" A girl yelled at us, hoisting herself up on the entrance with her arms. She held the rock and threw it past us. "What are you doing here? And what the heck is that?" She asked, pointing to Fry.

"A magical potato." I replied.

"Chill!" Kollia said. "We need to get in right now. Where's your king?"

"Get in? Seriously? With that tone of voice there's no WAY I'm letting you in. Especially that thing." She replied, pointing at Fry again.

Neptune knelt and sat on the ground. "I'm sorry, could we please enter? We're looking for the king." Neptune said in a soft voice.

The girl's face went red. "Well uh yeah I'm sure I could let you in."

"Is it alright if they accompany me? This is my younger brother, Ryver and his uh potato thing."

"Of course. Except her. She stays outside." She nodded to Kollia.

"You gotta be kiddin! Let me in or I'll blast you to pieces!" She pulled out a smoke ball.

"Can you give us a moment?" Neptune asked. The girl nodded, her auburn chin length hair swung and she splashed under the water. "Kollia, me and Ryver can get what you need and be out of there quick."

"Yeah cause I'd trust you two to get something done."

"I have two sisters who argue at least ten times a day, one who enchants things, the other who smacks her with a broom and on top of that I run a cafe. I think I can handle finding something in another kingdom I know more about than you."

The furosi chittered in her ear. Kollia groaned. "Fine. But hurry it up."

"Alright what do you need us to find?"

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