Chapter 18

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We walked down the grassy street and chatted.

"If someone tries to attack Ryver and his magical potato, they're out of luck." Wren joked.

"Oh yeah, no ones gonna beat that cute little duo." Otus agreed, rubbing Fry on the head.

I let out a long sigh, everyone turned to me. "Tired?" Otus asked.

"Yeah, just exhausted. I didn't sleep much last night. I had this dream that you all were gonna die." Everyone visibly shuddered.

"Like how?" A very concerned Otus asked.

"Did it seem prophetic?" Came Raven's voice.

"Pro- what now?"

"Prophetic. Like to predict the future. Did it seem real?"

I thought about it. "I mean I guess you could say that. I got really anxious and woke up in a cold sweat. I didn't fall back to sleep for about an hour after that." He hummed.


Upon arriving at The Cardinal family's library of records we found not a warm welcome but Ozzy running around organizing the workshop and library.

The room was a mess, a sea of knowledge thrown everywhere. There were files, books, papers, scripts, and more piled and stacked and put in random places.

On one side of the room a five foot long tabletop couldn't be seen under books and packets. On the other was a bookshelf half stripped of its books with files and papers stuffed in the empty places. The stairs were covered in waist high towers of papers and books.

We all waited at the entrance to be greeted by her but never was. Until Raven stepped in. "Ozzy, may we speak to you?"

"Nope. Can't talk. Organizing."

"Well we might have a case of Ryver having a prophetic dream. But do take your time." Ozzy stopped what she was doing and gaped at us through books and papers in her arms piled over her head.

"Right away! Come with me! Now!" She set down the tower on an empty spot on the floor and grabbed Raven by the hand, dragging us all in a long people string.


Ozzy quickly thumbed through a row of folders all sandwiched into a drawer, each one overflowing with papers. It was a miracle she never got paper cuts. Finally she found the right one and set it down on a small round table and thumbed through that. Afterwards she took out a packet and began skimming through it.

"Right here, it says that prophetic dreams -if they do exist- are most likely to come true one-hundred-percent of the time. So that's that." She started to put it back into the folder when I interrupted her.

"Uh. Yeah, Ozzy?" She looked up. "I don't know if that's right."

"Well this here says that it will come true. You can't argue with plain facts." She slapped the folder shut, put it in the drawer, and slammed it shut with a 'click!'

I chuckled. "No no no no. That can't be right. See, I wouldn't let my friends die. Not even for my own kingdom. I love my friends."

"Yes, sure, you may love them. But a prophecy is a prophecy! It always comes true. Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of organizing to do so if you would please leave." She got up and opened the door, shooing us out to the entrance.

"No. It can't be right! They wouldn't die! They can't die!"

"Ryver. Listen to me. I can't change it. It's physically impossible."

Raven tried to step in cautiously. "Guys maybe we should-"

"Write something else down! It's that easy!"


I left the library and walked off towards the grocers, pulling Fry behind me.

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