Chapter 6

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Kathy came and sat down across from me. "So?! Who's this little guy?" She said, patting Fry on the head.

"An accident." I took a sip of my drink. It was really good. As usual.

"Awe no. Don't say that! He's just a cute wittle baby!" She continued patting him on the head.

"He's not. I was trying to enchant a clay figure to test out my magic but misfired and hit him and now I have this." I said, gesturing to Fry.

"Well I'd gladly take him off your hands!" She said.

"No Kathy, we have enough of your magical objects you've enchanted." Neptune said, standing beside her.

"We had to replace the wooden spoons because you ENCHANTED THEM!" Stella yelled and another fight ensued. Neptune quickly stopped it.

"Yeah I agree with Stella here, Kathy."

Kathy sighed and frowned.

"Alright I'm gonna be on my way now." I said and stood.

"Awee okayy. Bye magical potato!" Kathy waved to Fry as I untied him from the chair.

"Visit again soon." Stella said.

And I left, carrying Fry behind me.



As I walked down the street I came up on Wren walking out of the library. I ran up to him waving my arm.

"Hi Wren! How's it going?"

"Good." He said in his usual soft voice.

"That's good!" Then an awkward silence ensued. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other.

"How's your sisters?"

"Good, just went to see them a minute ago."

He hummed. "That's good." Another awkward silence. "Well I think I'm gonna go see them

"Alright want me to join you?"

"No it's alright."

Yet another awkward silence.

"Uh okay bye."

"Yup." He said and walked the way I had been coming from.

He was really quiet and looked as though he didn't want to talk. Did I do something?


"Hi mom, I'm back." I yelled out as I walked into the back yard.

My mom had a very pretty garden. She planted green plants mostly. Even green flowers. She did it ever since I was born because she wanted to prove that green wasn't an unlucky color. She was the positive mom I knew and loved.

"How has your day been honey?" She stood up from the seeds she was planting, dirt and sweat on her face.

"Good, I went to see the girls."

"Oh and how were they? Stella and Kathy still arguing?"

"As per usual. They're doing fine."

"Oh well that's nice. Your father is making something new for dinner, veggie lasagna. The noodles are being boiled in mushroom water."

"That's sounds really good. Did you invite the girls?"

"No, sorry hun. Now let's go help your dad with dinner shall we?"

We headed into our kitchen and helped with dinner. We ate the food which was very good. Afterwards I helped with the dishes and I went out to meet up with my friends at the library like we always did every

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