Chapter 27

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Jessica was a very fast swimmer compared to me and Neptune. Her long hair blew behind her as she swam at least ten feet from us. Fry let out a, "Weeeee!" as we swam.

When we reached her house -which was a hole in the wall of the mountain like I had guessed- she brought us inside. It had two rooms, a kitchen and a bedroom to the right.
A small blue fish or bug thing with six legs swam out of the bedroom quickly. It made little chirps of noise, seeming happy and excited.

"Hi Squirtle!" She rubbed it on the head. "This is my bugfish, Squirtle."

"Bugfish?" I asked and watched the fish sniff Fry then zip around him. Fry happily wiggled after it.

She nodded. "Very fast fish. They're uh, they're like a bug and a fish." She said as she swam into her room and set the books down.

"How are the books not-"

"Wet?" She asked, swimming back in. "They're painted with a clear paste that makes it waterproof. Isn't that cool?"

I nodded. "Now uh, a tour?"

"Oh right!"

She led us out of her house and down towards the ground. Coral reefs branched up from the very middle of the ground, fish buzzing around and in them.

"Here's our shopping center. There's the grocery store, the furniture store, pet store, book store, and all the other ones. My favorites in the library are the books by Birch Sandson. He's a good author isn't he?"

"Never read it." Neptune said.

"What?! Oh my storms they're so good, you need to read them."


"What about the palace?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, follow me!"
We followed her high up towards the top and away from the entrance where a big structure was built into the stone. The entrance was guarded by two Quandrin in armor.

"Are we allowed to go inside?" Neptune asked.

Jessica shook her head. "Only if you fill out a report form and leave it in the bin." She pointed to a box on the wall near the entrance that was bolted on.

A Quandrin came swimming out of the entrance with papers and bumped into Neptune. "My bad. Sorry." She looked up at us.

"Hello, Cassie." Neptune said, smiling.

"Oooo," Fry said and went up and nuzzled against her arm.

She gasped. "Oh my stars, hello Neptune! I see you've gotten acquainted with my friend Jessica here!" She said, wrapping an arm around Jessica's shoulders.

"Yes, she's very sweet. She was showing us around. We wanted to meet the king."

"Well it's usually protocol that I don't allow any outsiders to see him but I suppose I could allow it this one time. For you." She said.

"Thank you," Neptune said. We followed her in. Before the door closed Neptune said, "And thanks for your help Jessica." She nodded, waved, and swam off.

When we entered the palace it was one big room with a doorway off to the right. The ceiling extended far up, a glowing crystal chandelier hanging from it.

"Come in," said a gruff male voice.

We looked ahead to see a Quandrin sitting on a throne made of coral. He looked very regal, the king obviously. We swam up to the bottom of the slope to the throne.
He had dark skin and short brown almost black hair. A light and trimmed beard sat on his chin that came up over his upper lip. There were two thrones side by side, the man sitting on the right, the left one open.

"Welcome. You two must be new. Oh and you as well." He chuckled, motioning to Fry. "What brings you here?" He had a smooth, low voice.

"We're looking for a few things, if you don't mind." Neptune said.

"Why of course not, depending on what you need. What is it you desire?" He asked, leaning forward.

"Some Astris, a bit of gold, a silkfish tentacle, a map of Ioven, a zerk, and blue beans, sir."

"Enough with the formalities, young star. You may call me Athenias. Now, what you request, uhm, may I ask what you will need these for?" He asked, peering at us skeptically.

"We came from another island. We decided to make a home in one of the neighboring kingdoms. We didn't know who to get resources from and got help from a ward of yours."
Neptune gestured to Cassie who was making something at a table against a rock wall nearby. Fry was annoying her by bumping into her head. "So we come to you for things that might help us on our journey, Athenias."

Neptune was an excellent liar. Sometimes she had me so stumped I had to ask Stella to help, the only one who could determine her lies.
The king leaned back against the throne, his face thoughtful.

"Well, my young stars, it seems you have come to the right place. I will allow you to get all but one item you need. You may be granted all of these except for the silkfish tentacle. I take deep pride and care towards all my creatures and I'd prefer if all remained unharmed. Cassie, fetch them their things, will you?"

Cassie nodded and left the room, shoving Fry away who just followed her. When she entered once again she carried two leather leaf bags and a rolled up map. She handed them to Neptune and went back to the table she was at.

"There you go," he said. "The zerk can be found at a shop, ask for one with a slip of paper that's in one of the bags. You may also ask another merchant for two or three pieces of Astris with another slip of paper. If you desire anything else you may come visit me or Zachirius, my husband. Have a lovely evening, my stars."

Cassie brought Athenias a goblet then let us out and shoved Fry out just as before he flew back to the closed doors. He sighed.

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