4 | Intimacy Trauma

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A/n: Continuation of "Webs and P"

After what had just happened, Webs eventually bought P's favorite pizza: Spinach Chicken Alfredo.

"Te quiero mucho, Webs!", Piranha exclaimed in joy.

"No problem, buddy.", Webs replied.

As they were eating pizzas, Piranha threw on his telenovela. It was called "Los Amantes Perdidos", or The Lost Lovers. It talks about a woman who falls in love. However, she has amnesia and the man she falls in love with ends up being her nephew. Weird but Piranha likes the drama.

Anyways, about a few hours into the telenovela, Piranha heard the voices of Wolf and Snake and he went into a frenzy.

"Um, Webs, I'm gonna go into um my room, yeah, adios!", P said bluntly, zooming into Wolf's car.

He heard the engine start and ran to go chase Piranha from crashing his car.

"Hey!! That's my car, hermano!! You can't even reach the pedals!!"

Webs looked in shock at what had just happened. Snake's face asked "what the hell" but Webs just shrugged and ate pizza with Snake...

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