6 | A Bittersweet Apology

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A/n: If you haven't seen Moon Knight, go and watch it on Disney+, it's an original story with no other ties to the MCU at all so give it a look and come back when you can! ^_^; I'll add The Bad Guys real names (according to the books); The scene above is what this one shot is based on;

Wolf/Moe - Marc Spector
Diane - Layla El-Faouly

Diane finally found him. Her husband, Wolf, or Moe - I guess that's his nickname - had legit left her in the streets of LA all the way to Madagascar, where Marmalade fled to after escaping prison.

Now, Diane and Wolf are in a small boat, slowly swimming it's way to Marmalades island, about a few miles away from the shore of Madagascar.

Diane didn't even look at Wolf in the eyes, something he hadn't seen her do in so long. They've only been married for 3 years but they've recently felt like acquaintances. Diane then gestured to Wolf like he had something to say. And he did.

"I'm sorry...Diane. For...whatever that's worth.", Wolf said in a sympathetic tone. But the way he delivered it sounded careless, in which he hated.

"I waited for you. You told me to wait in LA for you. Then you just leave for two months. The least you could have told me was that you were gonna be gone. What happened?"

Wolf didn't want to bring that up. That was too personal. He didn't say anything.

"Just know", Diane said, "that I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this to save your friends because that sick rodent took them."

Wolf then sighed and spit it out. "Look...Diane. I really am sorry. I have been my whole life. But no matter how many times I've said it, I was always shut down by everyone. Like...nobody believed me. You remember on the news last night talking about the 10th anniversary of the unknown couple that were poisoned and the perp was never caught?"

Diane knew where this was going but she wanted to know more. Her face told him to continue.

"I...killed them.", Wolf said as silent tears fell and his ears flattened.

Diane's face was of pure shock and disbelief. "Why? What did they do to you?"

"They were my parents. I poisoned them because they abused me. Always shut me down because of something I never did. I was their little bad luck charm. So, when I saw it on the news, I panicked. Literally, I had a panic attack. So, I avoided you. Because I didn't want to see...that side of me. Vulnerable. Weak."

Diane tsked and cupped her hand on Wolf's face, in which he rested upon it. Tears streamed down Wolf's cheeks as Diane wiped the away.

"You could've told me, honey. We could've handled it together. As a team. We've been like that for three years. The Wolf and the Crimson Paw. And I don't care if you show a vulnerable side to me. You're still the amazing guy I fell for three years ago at the Gala. Now wipe your tears and let it go. It's the past. It's done. And I take back what I said. We can do this together. For the sake of you and the crew.", Diane said with a smile.

Wolf kissed the palm of Diane's hand and they hugged. The boat hit the shore of the island and the two walked into a building that appeared to be where Marmalade was keeping the crew.

But, both of them weren't ready for what was gonna happen next...

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