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Some idiot hit a pedistrian, so ontop of already being almost late to Stark Insustries because of his appointment, there was a backup in traffic. In Manhattan where it was already a struggle to get from one place to another fast, especially during rush hour.

He ran into S.I.'s lobby at 4:38, panicking. He had two things prewritten on his notepad. One was for the receptionist, asking where to go, and the second was an apology for Theo explaining why he was late.

The receptionist nodded and led him up to a floor and to a lecture hall where aout twenty to twenty-five people sat with Theo in front of them.

Everyone's attention turned to Peter when the door opened and light flooded into the dark room.

Sorry, he signed his apology.

Theo gave him an odd look, not understanding the simple sign.

"He said sorry," a guy with dark auburn hair said.

That got the attention on him instead of Peter.

Thank you, Peter signed to the inturrpreter.

"No problem," the ginger responded.
Peter handed the notepad to Theo, forgetting to tear away or turn over the page from the receptionist.

Theo was visibly confused before Peter realized and motioned to turn the page. Theo then read the note meant for him and nodded in understanding, handing it back to Peter.

"Go sit down," Theo told him, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

Peter nodded in thanks and sat down in the front row next to the red-head, noting the navy blue hearing aids he wore.

My name is Sawyer, I'm hard of hearing, the red-head signed.

I'm Peter, I'm selective mute.

Nice to meet you, Peter.

Theo started talking about security and Peter pulled out his pencil, writing down what was important.

After about an hour of information from a slife show, Theo turned the lights fully on and clapped his hands together.

"Okay, the next slide has lists of groups of four people in each. They will be your team that you'll work with," he explained. "If any problems develop between members of a team, report it and it'll be figured out, okay? Okay, I want you to fing the other members of your group and get to know each other a bit, then we'll get to the exciting part."

He pushed the a button on his remote and the slide changed to show the six groups of four.

It didn't take Peter much time to find his name underneath Sawyer's, and for everyone else in the room to stand up and start talking and moving to find their group.

Sawyer turned to Peter and smiled.

"Now we just need to find the other two: Matthew and Elijah," he told Peter.

"I-I'm Elijah," a soft spoken brunette hesitantly said from behind the two.

Peter had no doubt of Elijah being a high schooler, not only because of his young appearance, but also because Peter had seen him around the halls of Midtown Tech.

"It's nice to meet you, Elijah," Sawyer said, "I'm Sawyer, this is Peter."

Elijah nodded shyly.

It took them about a minute more before a broad shouldered blonde approached.

"Are you guys Sawyer, Elijah, and Peter? I'm Matthew."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sawyer," the ginger introduced himself to the newcomer.

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