A Talk With An Enchantress

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(Castle of Dreams - Nighttime)

Roxas silently fiddled with that Thalassa shell in his hands as he waited to make sure that Terra was fully asleep.

It had been two hours since it was his turn to watch over the campsite. Two hours he spent watching for any Unversed. Two hours, pondering what happened to his friends in the future and the mystery of Xion.

All he could come up with was blanks. What that it was possible he had a connection to Ven, that Sora had encountered Terra in his armor and was terrified of it, and that he could still only remember Xion's name and nothing else.

So he decided to instead focus on the situations on hand and save his other worries. He found focus on his main one, that always Vanitas and the Unversed.

Considering that one was a species deadlier then the average Heartless or Nobody and led by an ancient Keyblade wielder, they were certainly providing to be a big issue.

Especially with what Eraqus said was true and that they were targeting the Princesses of Heart. He didn't know where half of them were and Alice should be away in a world only accessible through Wonderland.

So he made a plan to check out the worlds of the Princesses he knew about and see if the Unversed were active on their worlds. He has planed to check up on them when he first heard the Unversed were targeting them.

As he didn't know if the apprentices were going to those worlds or not, so he might as well check them while he could.

So he put his shell away and went back into the tent. Checking to see that Terra was a sleep he walked out of the tent and opened a Corridor of Darkness to his first destination.

Beast's Castle and the nearby village of Villeneuve, home of Belle.

(Beast's Castle)

When he exited the corridor he was greeted with the sight of the stone bridge leading to and from the Castle.

The same location he had fought the Infernal Engine Heartless and where Sora had defeated Xaldin 10 years from now.

Basically there was a lot of painful memories here. The thought of that Heartless in particular left him rubbing a few phantom bruises.

He shook them off and noticed that that unlike 10 years from now...this place looked like it still held some life to it. Although he could tell the place was still cursed, it wasn't as dilapidated as it was in the future. It must've been recently cursed then.

As much as the Nobody wished he could help, it wasn't his job to do so.

The one who will brake the curse though, he needed to see how she was doing.

Throwing one last look at the castle, Roxas walked down the bridge and into the the forest.

The path was filled with blackened trees and a bone chilling wind. The howls of wolves kept him on edge in the distance, but there was no sign of Unversed anywhere.

It seemed like the only real danger here was the ravenous wolves, whose eyes were now starting to appear before him.

A simple sphere of light managed to scare them off. It was much larger then the ones he had been able to use while training with Terra, but it served its purpose well and the wolves kept themselves at bay.

The Nobody kept this sphere up for a few more minutes before the strain was starting to get to him a little. However he kept the light up as he sensed that he was not alone and it wasn't a wolf nearby. No, by the feel of their heart it was someone powerful.

He kept the light up until he could feel the intruder was right on top of him. Dissipating the light he summoned Oathkeeper and brandished it at the cloaked figure behind him.

"A Keyblade wielder, I should have known." The figure, a woman said getting the Nobody to lower his Keyblade.

"So you know about us then?" Roxas asked getting the woman to nod.

"I've meet one of your kind years ago, a silver haired young man who wished to see the worlds as he put it. Made the mistake of crashing through my roof as his entrance point." The woman said, sounding a little annoyed at the end.

"I see and if I might take a guess, are the one who cursed the castle?" Roxas asked, getting the woman to tense up.

He could sense her power and if she turned hostile, he had no intention of being cursed by her.

"Indeed I am, and what were you planning on doing with that information?" The enchantress asked dangerously, an aura of magic forming behind her.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. As much I wish to help, I know that I'm not the one meant to lift the curse. All I am here to check on someone who is important to this world." Roxas said, getting the enchantress to pause.

"Is that your only reason?" She asked, getting the Nobody to nod. "Is this someone  with a pure heart?"

"That is correct, then you know who I'm looking for. I'm just here to see if she is alright and then I am leaving." Roxas said with the enchantress studying him for a few moments. She let out a sigh and pulled out a mirror with the surface of it started to glow green.

"I can see that you are speaking the truth, so I will show you her." The enchantress said as the mirror showed a sleeping brown haired girl, no doubt Belle. "She just moved into Villeneuve a few months ago along with her father to avoid the plague that has spread throughout most of the country and has claimed the life of her mother, the poor dear. I sensed her heart immediately and with her intellect and kindness I knew she would be important in the future, your appearance has only confirmed it."

"Indeed she will be." Roxas said while handing the enchantress her mirror back. "Though I do have one question, where you planning on ever lifting the curse?"

He might have completed his purpose for being on this world, but that question had been bothering him sensed he sensed her. Her heart was fairly balanced and she seemed like a decent enough person, so why go to such an extreme?

The enchantress stayed silent for a few moments before she spoke up.

"If the prince could learn humility and compassion and and fulfill the conditions of the curse I will lift it even after the last petal falls. If not then I will lift the curse on his servants first and depending on his reaction him as well. He was starting to become as much as a tyrant to the common people he ruled as his father was. So I could not allow that to happen again." The enchantress said, and the Nobody could tell that by the magic radiating off her that she was daring him to challenge her.

"I can see your point." Roxas sighed out while summoning a Corridor behind him. "But if you asked me this was just going a bit too far, but that is my own opinion. But I believe you should be asking yourselves one thing?"

"And that is?" The enchantress asked tensely.

"If your curse and the effect it had would really be worth it in the end." Roxas asked before walking into the Corridor, leaving the enchantress to think about his words.

(Chapter end)

Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you all enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be an omake. Anyway I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

Until next time, ciao!

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