Movement in the Shadows

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Master Xehanort walked among one of the many halls of the castle, looking for the perfect spot. After another minute he found it in a darkened corner near the entrance.

After making sure no one was around, he casted a silencing barrier.

"Aren't you being a little too paranoid?" A voice from the shadow said, with only his golden eyes visible.

"Not at all, in fact you should be keeping your guard up my apprentice. Eraqus is already suspicious of me and it is only a matter of time before he figures out what I am up to. So I can not show any sign of anything that could expose us quite yet. At least not until his apprentices leave." Xehanort said.

"Fair enough, but what about his newest apprentice Roxas." The figure said. "I'm already keeping an eye on him just in case."

"A smart move, but as for Roxas I have not decided yet what to do with him yet. Either way we need to gauge his skills and separate him from Eraqus." The elderly Keyblade Master said.

"And I take it I will be the one to do?" The figure asked, getting Xehanort to nod. "Figured, but what should we do if he is worthy enough."

"If he is not, then we get rid of him. If he is then Roxas will be the backup." Xehanort said.

"The back up for which?" The figured asked, clearly intrigued.

After a few moments he came up with his answer.

"He is the back up for both isn't he."

"Maybe he is, but we shall decide that when we learn more about him. So do not even think about killing Ventus or else it will jeopardize everything we have worked for." Xehanort said while fixing a stern glare at the figure.

"I know that you old coot, but I won't be bothering him for a while." The figure said dejectedly.

"Good." Was all Xehanort said before he noticed the look on his apprentice's face. "What is wrong?"

"Roxas has just left the throne room. We don't have that much time left." The figure said while putting on a black glass helmet and obscuring his face.

"No, we have just enough time to do what we need." Xehanort said while shaking his head. "Still, how soon can you unleash the Unversed upon the worlds?"

"Now." The figure said, causing Xehenort to smile.

"Good, then I will be awaiting for evaluation of Roxas once everything else is done." Xehanort said while leave, dissipating the barrier.

"Oh I will." The figure said once the elderly Keyblade Master was out of earshot. "And much more. Anyway what is the progress on Roxas?"


"So he is looking for Terra then, how long do you think until he finds him?"


"Good, just enough time for the old coot to get the ball rolling. But still anything else to report onto Roxas."


"Did you say that he is saturated in time magic?! The figure said shocked. A moment of silence from the end of his mental communication was all the confirmation he needed.

He knew about time magic very well as he had dabbled with it a little bit.

Whenever he had time when Xehanort was keeping an eye on him of course. He need to keep several things to himself after all.

Still he was adapt enough with it to be able to sense it, even within his lesser incarnations.

Along with the fact he has repeatedly spied on another saturated with the same energy talking with the old coot. Someone that he knew that whatever the old coot was planning, that it couldn't function without him.

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