Deciving Eraqus

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As Eraqus was walking with Roxas he could tell that he was close to falling asleep. He decided that Now was the perfect time for some answers.

"Roxas, do you know were you are?" The Nobody nodded groggily.

"No, last I knew I was walking in my home world and next thing I knew was that I fall into Ventus's room." He said.

Eraqus knew that some of what he said was a lie, bit it was minuscule as the rest was the truth.

"So what is your home world. You mentioned that you're World was in the direct center of the Realm Between." He had never left the Land of Departure in years, so he might be unfamiliar with some of the worlds that he visited in his youth.

"It is Twilight Town. I was born there and it has been my home for as long as I could remember." Roxas said honestly. He was born there and had considered it a secondary home from his room in the Castle That Never Was and before DiZ had him kidnaped.

The old Keyblade Master could sense the honesty in his words. So he decided to ask another question.

"I see. Well I am afraid to say I have never heard of this world. But how did you learn to wield the Keyblade are you self taught or did you have a teacher." He knew that the boy hasn't encountered any other Keyblade wielders until recently, but he had to know what the boy did.

Roxas thought for a moment before he decided to answer.

"To tell the truth I learned how to wield a Keyblade from a man named Xemnas, someone I've known for as long as I can remember. He couldn't wield one, but he had some knowledge on them. He also had the ability to travel between worlds and he found me a little over a year ago. A week later he began to train me." It was mostly an abridged version of the truth, but who would believe him if he said that he traveled back in time from the future.

Eraqus digested the information. So someone with knowledge of the Keyblade and could travel between the worlds was running lose. That was not good, but before he could ask one thing struck his mind.

"You said that you have known him for as long as you could remember, but for only a little over a year. But that would mean-" He was saying before Roxas cut him off.

"Yes I lost my memory over a year ago. I just woke up in the middle of the forest outside of town with no memories of who I was. Luckily I had a friend who helped me out shortly after I meet Xemnas." The Nobody said. They had arrived at a spare room.

'They really are similar.' Thought Eraqus. Ventus had lost his memory 4 years ago due to an accident while training under Master Xehanort before he was placed under his care. He opened the door and placed Roxas on the bed. He still had some questions.

"I see. But how could he travel between the worlds." He needed to understand this as it would help him gain some understanding of Roxas's and his teacher's skill level and which side his teacher was on.

"He could open Corridor's of Darkness. That is one of the main reasons I'm wearing this coat. It protects those who wear it from the darkness inside of them." The Nobody answered.

Eraqus frowned at that. His teacher had used a very risky and dark way to travel between the worlds. Before he could even ask about Xemnas, Roxas put his hand up lazily. It was hard for him to concentrate as the bed was the most comfortable one he has ever had the pleasure of knowing, but he managed.

"Before you ask about Xemnas I'll tell you it would be pointless. His main method of training me was having me fight or learn tactics in one of several worlds each day including Twilight Town with only one day off from training. His methods were brutal sometimes and during one of his sessions I was sent into a month long coma from unrelated issues. The very next day after I awoke it was back to training. The only solace I would get was with my friend who I would meet up with after training and enjoy our time together. He taught me all he knew of the Keyblade. Including that it could affect the boundaries of the worlds and how to modifying it using keychains. I only have 3 by the way. He also taught me magic and how to use the power of light. The rest of what I know was self taught through his training. But it wasn't until a few weeks ago I found he had something planned for me, so I left him and he tried to come after me several times afterwords only to fail each time. He even killed my friend to try to get to me, but before I could get to him he was killed by a wandering Keyblade wielder. So whatever plans Xemnas had died with him. With him dead I had nothing left until the Keyblade wielder Ava convinced me to start my life anew somewhere else. Before I could do anything I had faced an unknown attacker and we managed to fend him off. But he vanished and I think Ava finished him off as I never saw what happens to him. She took off afterwords to parts unknown a little later. So while I was walking, thinking about were to start a new life I suddenly found myself here." Roxas said. Again it was mainly an abridged truth with some lies thrown in, but it was based off what he could remember from his time with the Organization.

He hoped that Eraqus would buy it or his second chance at life would end shortly.

Still why did he feel that he forgot something important?

'This boy has had a hard life.' Thought the Keyblade Master. He could tell there was some lies within the story, but thy were minuscule at best. The gist of it was that Roxas had almost been through a year of hellish training by a man who wanted to use him and his Keyblade for his own gain.

Still the boy broke free eventually, but at great cost as he could tell that even if he still tried to hide it. Roxas had still somewhat not gotten over his friend's death. Yet he was moving forward which was a good sign for him.

Eraqus was glad that this Xemnas was dead. For not only was he a threat, but by Roxas's tone he was not a very good teacher and most likely a sociopath. The way the man sounded like was that he treated the boy apathetically at best and was uncaring of his health unless it was serious. To have your student get right back into training the next day after a month long coma, the thought of any teacher doing that was despicable! To not only go back after his student after he rightfully left him, to kill his only friend, and after death possibly had something to do with the unknown assailant that came after Roxas earlier this day that the boy described showed that whatever plan Xemnas had was, Roxas was the key to it.

He was glad that such a threat was gone, but he was curious about this Keyblade wielder named Ava.

'That was the name of one of the ancient Foretellers. Either she has knowledge of the age of fairy tales and using the name as an alias or that it is her actual name.' The later was the more likely of the 2 as most of the knowledge from before the Keyblade War was located in the Land of Departure. His students haven't really learned about it yet, as he wished to keep it hidden until they were at Master level.

He did not want to make a choice incase they turned to the madness that had nearly taken Xehanort.

'The way he spoke of her was a tone of respect.' Obviously he would develop that from her killing Xemnas. But also he could tell from he described about when the both of them had faced the unknown attacker that she was stronger then him by a margin if he had anything to go by. There were hardly any Keyblade wielders out there now a days. They are nearly extinct and far between each other. Still he hoped his students might be the answer in the future. But Roxas had no idea for where she went and had no clue about locating her.

That came to were he was in terms of skill. Even though Eraqus had learned that Roxas has at least learned the basics and was impressed to gather that many keychains with hardly any knowledge. The boy had no knowledge of a variety of the techniques that his apprentices had including how they travel between the worlds and armor. But in terms of skill he didn't know. He guessed of what little he has seen and what the boy had described that he was close to or rivaling his students. Considering how little he knew, it spoke volumes about the boys potential. So he knew what to do.

"Tomorrow I will introduce you too my students and see were you stand. Just know I will be keeping my eye on you until the Mark of Mastery exam ends."said Eraqus.

'That is a smart move.' Roxas thought drowsily. He could tell that even after speaking with the man, he has hardly let his guard down at all and didn't fully trust him. It made sense since he was a intruder who looked like one of his students and was an impossibility to something he was used to. But one thing stood out though.

"What do you mean to see were I stand?"

"It is simple Roxas. I wish to test how skilled you are. Judging by your story you haven't learned everything about how to use the Keyblade, bit by what little I've seen you might be close to my students level in strength. So I will organize a spar between you and one of them tomorrow." The Keyblade Master said. He saw that Roxas was close to collapsing on the bed. "Get your rest, you will need it for tomorrow." He began to leave the room.

Roxas tried to ask something, but it died in his throat as sleep toke over him.

Eraqus silently left the room, closing the door behind him.

*Chapter 8 end)

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