we're going back to marley?

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Photo creds: Enviep1 (Instagram & Twitter)
Smut warning
There will be sexual activity within this chapter. If you are under the age of consent I advise you to skip past it. There will be a "‼️" anytime a smut scene starts/finishes.

Eren leaves you completely dumbfounded once again as he makes an entrance and exit in your life.

"So let me get this straight... Eren the guy that is a complete asshat to you since we moved here, keeps bumping into you SEVERAL times a week, does his little hot & cold emo boy routine, and then last night THE ONE NIGHT IM NOT HOME, he shows up at the door and hugs you out of nowhere and then flirts with you the entire time? Y/n, you're not trying to just reel me into another fanfiction plot correct? Cause this sounds like one of your smutty book plot's you always read."

The next morning, Mikasa comes back to your dorm and can immediately tell something is off.
Who better to talk to about your confusing manbun problems than your very best friend in the whole wide world?

Anyways, you fill her in (leaving out only the sensitive details of his personal life) in hopes she could provide you with some sort of wise advice like she normally does.

You audibly sigh, burying your face into your hands, "No... that's why I'm so confused."

"We'll have you told anyone else about this?" Mikasa asks you, curiosity in her tone.

"No, just you. I didn't think it was a big deal before, but now I can't stop thinking about it." You admit.

Mikasa gets up from her side of the room and walks over to you, pulling you into a comforting hug.

For the first time since Eren left just a couple hours ago, you relax against Mikasa's hold.

Mikasa pulls away from you and places her hands on your shoulders, "I think you should talk to Sasha. She's known Eren a long time and she's a better judge of character for him than I can be."

You nod your head in agreement, "You're right."

"I know." Mikasa perks up and glides back over towards her bed, plopping down on it.

You grab your phone, unplugging it from the charger, and pull up Sasha's contact.

Sasha Braus 🥔

Hey, come over to our dorm :)

But I'm so comfortable :(

We have tea


You flip your phone back over shifting your attention back towards Mikasa.

"She's coming. So are you gonna wait to tell me what happened to you last night? Or are you gonna tell me when Sasha gets here." You hint towards the text she sent you last night about her staying over at Jean and Connie's.

Her face flushes pink as reaction. She chucks a pillow straight at your face.

"Shit that hurt Mika." You whine.

"Sorry..." Now she's the one burying her face into her hands.

"Hey, I'm your best friend. I won't pry, talk to me when you're ready." You remind her.

"It's not that..." She looks back up at you, taking a deep breath, "Where do you stand with Jean?"

"He's a playboy. I would never in a million years go for him, but he's a really special friend to me. You know that." You retell her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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