Chapter 3

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"Delainey sweetheart , wake up we're here" I hear one of the police officers say.

I groan and take out my headphones I stuff my phone in my back pocket and get out of the car, I lean against the back door as the officers grab my stuff from the trunk.

I keep my head down cause I'm still kinda in shock and I sure as hell don't wanna be here right now, but I can't change that can I?

"Well then"
there was a short pause
"Let's go"

I slowly pick my head up from looking at my feet and look up to see a okay looking house type thing that says

' sunny side orphanage'

'oh god 'I thought.

I put back in my headphones as knives and pens come on, as I get off the car and follow the officers inside .

It's summer so it's pretty hot outside but when I open the door to the orphanage this rush of cool air hits my body and honestly it's kind I refreshing , it reminds me of the time I went to the beach with my mom and real dad before he left me with my mother .

Still haven't seen him since.

I'm shook out of my thoughts as the I'm guessing mother of the place puts a hand on my shoulder,

"Well Delainey I hope you enjoy your stay here"

" oh by the way I'm mrs. Kathy " she says with a smile on her face.

I just nod my head as the police walk out, waving shyly at me.

When they walk out mrs. Kathy drops the nice bitch act and picks up her real bitch act,

"come here freak "

as I walk up to the front desk , she hands me my room number and tells me to take my stuff upstairs.

I sigh and slowly pick up my bags and carry them up the stairs.

'this is gonna suck ' I think to myself .

When I find my room I walk in to see half the room a bright pink with the other half light blue.

"fucking fantastic, I'm living with a prep"

I grab my stuff and walk over to the empty side of the room. I drop my stuff on the bed as I turn up the volume on my headphones.

I scoot some of the stuff over so I can lay down I grab a pillow and close my eyes.

'I'll unpack in the morning' I think as darkness consumes me.


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