Chapter 36

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Then we start talking..

"So Delainey"
"So andy"
"I heard that some stuff happened and you weren't coming out of your room"
"What happened"
"My demons came back and I felt worthless so I cut myself a lot and I locked myself in my room and didn't eat then when I decided to see my boyfriend I found out he was cheating on me and then my demons came back again and I couldn't deal with it anymore so when I got home I kinda collapsed and I was sent to the hospital and I started cutting a lot again that's why I'm wearing long sleeves at the beach"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be its my fault"
"No it's not but can I see your arms"
"So I can see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there"

I pulled up my sleeves and ants eyes got big then I started crying "I'm sorry Andy" "don't be princess" he says giving me a hug.

"I really fucked up my arms" "it's okay they are battle scars" he kisses my scars and we start walking again "thank you andy" "it's no problem that's what uncles are for" I smiled "I guess your right"


I woke up and walked upstairs to see MIW sitting on my couch but I don't see dad and the guys, "hey guys" I say plopping down on the couch.

"Hey bug"
"where is everyone else"
"Don't know they only said to come watch you and then they left"
"Oh okay"
"So wanna come over to our house"

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bathing suit and my towel and met the guys outfront "lets go" Chris said

When we got there I noticed their house wasn't much bigger than ours but it was still nice "can we get in the pool" I asked "yeah sure and I'll cook on the grill" Chris said I gave him a hug and ran out to the pool with the guys but Chris following me.

I set my stuff on a chair and sat on the edge of the pool the guys dove into the deep end and Chris was on the deck above us cooking on the grill.

Balz and Ricky were trying to do tricks and me and Chris were laughing at them failing. I tilted my head up to look at the clouds only to be dragged into the pool by someone.

I pop back up to see balz laughing "Joshua Joseph balz, when I get out of this pool in going to kick your ass" I yelled trying to hold on laughs.

"You just got full-named balz" Ricky yelled laughing. Balz just flipped him off and kept laughing.

"Watch out Richard Allen Olson I wouldn't speak so fast if I were you" I yelled looking at him from across the pool.

I climbed out of the pool and so did Ricky "I should throw you in the pool again" Ricky mumbled "I herd you dickweed and you know you love me"i said playfully.

"Yeah yeah" he grumbled sitting on the edge of the pool "FOODS DONE" Chris yelled we all nodded and ran up the stairs that lead to the next deck.

When we were done Chris's phone went off "we got to head back to ptv's house guys" "okay" they all responded I just grabbed my stuff and followed them towards my house.

When we got their I saw the lights were out 'that's weird ' I thought we walked inside and I looked around but could t see anything "wha the he-" "SUPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELAINEY " everyone yelled turning on the lights "OMG guys" I said putting my hand over my mouth

After cake and presents we all decided to sleep over my house in the man cave on couches and the floor. So right now I sitting on Andy's lap next to dad and kellin.

Ashley,jinx,Austin,alex,justin,chris,and Ricky have the other couches everyone else is on the floor as we are all watching big hero six singing along to fallout boy.

I love my family


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