Chapter 32

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*3 days later*


It's been about 3 days and I have t come out of my room and I honestly don't want to anytime soon I mean she's right they all hate me and when The guys came to check on me I ignored them all.

Last couple days I haven't eaten anything but I did dink some water and I have been throwing up a lot and I've also cut a lot to but I mean who cares.

And I haven't heard from blade since he left not even a single text, I kinda miss him I mean he saved me and he was perfect I think I'm gonna go see him.

I get off my couch and walk into the bathroom I stop at the mirror and see my reflection I looked like shit. My hair was stringy and oily and I was pale,skinny, and I looked almost dead.

I stripped and got in the shower I let the warm water tun over me for a while before turning it hot and washing my body, I use hot water in the shower to practice burning in hell but that's just me.

Andyways when I'm done I get out and get dressed in my leggings that I have to roll a bit and a BVB t-shirt then I do some makeup so I don't look so dead and I braid my hair into a fishtail braid I then grab my shoes, phone, and purse and leave my room.

I quietly walk down the stairs to see everyone asleep on the couch with red faces 'where they crying?' I ask myself if so it couldn't be about me. I left a note saying I went out and will be back later I then start walking to blades house.

When I get there I knock on his door but no one answers I push open his door and look inside I still don't see anything, weird.

I walk in and hear mumbles voices I follow them up the stairs to blades room I open his door to see him and a slut from school making out on his bed, "what the FUCK " I yell and blade and the slut turn towards me.

Blade jumps up and runs towards me I turn away and run down the stairs 'I can't believe he would cheat on me I told myself not to let people in because it ends badly but I had to be stupid' I run outside and slam the door behind me I start to run down the street but trip and fall.

And I can't take it anymore I start crying a lot to I just can't take anymore pain, 'what did I tell you' she says I nod and I look up to see blade running towards me I stand up and start to walk away when he grabs my arm .

"Get the fuck off me blade"
"No wait Delainey please let me explain"
"I'm sorry" he says with tears in his eyes
"Yeah well so am I, sorry for trusting you" I snap and walk away he doesn't move from his spot.

I run all the way home from there and bust through the door when I do I just collapse onto the floor "ahh" I scream at the top of my lungs I don't know why but it felt good. The guys rush around the corner and run towards me.

"Holy fuck honey you look dead" dad says I just cry harder "oh god what do we do" Vic says "I don't know" dad says but they're conversation starts to fade as my vision does to I try to speak but can't get words out..

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