Chapter 4

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"Ew what the fuck is in my room"

I hear a high pitched voice yell waking me up from my sleep.

'great must be the preppy bitch' I think to myself

I roll over expecting to see a preppy bitch but instead I see a girl about my age in a sleeping with sirens shirt pointing at a roach.

'must be why she screamed'

She grabs a shoe and squished it as she looks up, realizing I'm sitting here watching her.

"oh hello there I'm Brianna but please call me Bree" she says happily.

I slightly wave to her, she removes the bug from our room and sits on her bed. Almost looking at me as if she's studying me.

"Sorry if I woke you" she said

"it's okay I gotta kinda unpack anyway" I said gesturing to the bags on my bed.

"oh need help?" She asks

"sure " I reply quietly.

she jumps up and plugs her phone into a small baby blue IHOME speaker.

"Hope you like bands " she says

"hell yeah I do " I say laughing a bit.

"I think I made a friend" she yells as asking Alexandria comes on.

I sit up and start unpacking and she comes over to help. "Wanna play questions while we unpack?" She asks.

I nod and slightly look up at her.

(D-Delainey // B-Bree)

D-so how long have you been here ?
B-2 years
D-damn that's long
B-yeah but oh well
D-why is your side pink
B-was like that when u came and I can't change it it sucks I know
D- yeah
B- so fave bands
D-falling in reverse,black veil brides,Pierce the veil, asking Alexandria, motionless in white, New Year's Day .... Jesus I could go on for hours (we both laugh)
B-same , well looks like we're done and we are a lot alike
D-yeah thanks and yeah I guess so
B-well I wish that your not here long like me ,cause the preps here are bitchy
D-yeah I hope, oh and how old are you?
B-13 how about you
D-same and omg I love this song

Our conversation ends and she looks at me then the clock.

"Hey it's 7 I gotta go eat dinner you coming? " she asks

"no I'm okay I'm not hungry" I say as she walks out she gives me a weak smile then closes the door .

I grab my small razor blade from my pocket and make some cuts on my arms and when I'm done clean it up.

*37 mins later*

"Hey girly I'm back" Bree yells as she comes in.

"hey" I say back

"guess what?"

"What " I ask

"4 people are adopting a girl tomorrow"
She says dancing around I start laughing at her moves.

" aren't you happy " she asks

"Yeah" I say

Then She pulls me up to dance with her, I laugh and stumble a bit.

She pulls out her phone and takes pictures of us being weird , then for the rest of the day we decide to build a tent on the floor in between our beds for us and we also listen to music.

When it's finished we lay down and end up falling asleep.

'I'll never get adopted' I think to myself as I fade into sleep.

Adopted by Pierce the veilWhere stories live. Discover now