Chapter 21

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When we get home Delainey gets out of the car really fast and runs into the house which I thought was weird , I hop out of the car and walk inside to hear her slam her door closed .

Then I hear a loud bang and yelling I look over to the guys who have the same look on their faces . We all run up the stairs and stop at her door Tony goes up to the door and knocks she doesn't answer .

Then I hear her bathroom door slam and panic takes over I rip open her door and the guys look at me like I'm crazy.

I turn around and say " guys I think she's self harming" Tony's face drops and Jamie and Mike look sad then I hear a cabinet slam and we all run to the door .

I try to open it but it's locked so we all start banging on the door and yelling for her to open the door, then Tony finally kicks the door open and what I see horrifies me .

I see my beautiful niece on her bathroom floor with a blade in her hand and her wrists bleeding and drips of red on her floor , the guys all rush in but I just stand there I don't know why but I can't seem to get myself to move .

When Tony starts flushing she blades and she flips out I lose it and start crying I run out of her room and go into mine, I lock my door and sit on my bed .

I can't believe I let her get to this I should've helped her, but it hurt to see her do that to herself I know how it feels to self harm and I can't let Delainey to that to herself.

I love her too much...


I wake up in someone's lap I look up to see I'm in Jamie's lap and dad and Mike are cuddled up in the corner together, I feel really bad for doing this its all my fault . Then I look up to see the clock and see its 6:45 I slowly get out of Jamie's lap without waking him up and walk into my bedroom.

I grab my skinny jeans and a black veil brides hoodie, then I throw on my black vans and pull up my hair I also put on some bracelets to hide my cuts. I'll jump in the shower when I get home cause the guys are all asleep in my bathroom but it's my fault so I can't blame them .

I leave a note on the mirror in dry erase marker saying I left for school and I'm sorry, then I run downstairs and bump into Vic I apologize and try to run towards the door but Vic grabs me shoulder and stops me .

"I'm really sorry I walked out yesterday " he says and it looked like he had been crying I drop my bag and give him a hug he hugs back and pats my head. I pull back and say "it's okay Vic , it's my fault I shouldn't have done that and I'm really sorry and if you all wanna send me back I understand..." "WHAT no never were never sending you back" he says while hugging me again I start crying and apologizing a lot he wipes me tears and tells me it's okay.

"I'll drive you to school so your not late" he says I nod cause there's no point in arguing, when we finally get to school I jump out and make it just in time to hear the first bell.

I run to my class and sit in the back the teacher begins teaching and I try to listen and somewhat pay attention, when class is over I pack up and start down the hall again I get to my next class and after that is over I run to gym. I change and walk outside , I start walking the track only to he grabbed by the waist and pulled back.

"Hello there Delainey " I hear Luke say in my ear, my breath hitches and he spins me around so I can see the smirk on his face "h-hi" I sat quietly "nice to see you again" he says I just nod " since we need partners for our math project I figured you could be my partner" he says while gripping my waist harder I jump a bit at his touch and shake my head no.

"Why not" he says a little colder "cause I don't want to be your partner" I spit at him wondering where this boost of confidence came from , "is that so" I nod and he laughs "well you don't have a choice doll" he spits back I just nod and he laughs .

I try to pull away but he grabs me again and pulls me in close he starts to whisper in my ear " we can work on the project at my house if you want" I can't even respond and the next thing I hear will probably scar me for life....

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