Chapter Numero Uno

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It was a nice evening for the residents of the Azur Lane base...that is until the Fire Nation attacked





It was a nice day for the resident shipgirls of Azur Lane until two foxes decided to declare war for whatever reason.

One of them had a voluptuous figure, nice thighs, nice ass, and decent sized breasts. In other words; a complete snacc.

Oh yeah, there was also the brown haired one. Yeesh, good luck finding yourself out of that dumpster fire.

You might be wondering, "What the fuck is happening?" Well, allow me, Badger, to fill you in on what led up to these events with remarkable accuracy.

I was chillaxing in my room like the baller I was, till my twin sister Enterprise kicked my door open

"Wake the fuck up samauri, we got some ships to burn!," she yelled. I groaned, because when she kicked my door open, the screws came almost and shot through my brand new 70" plasma screen TV (with Netflix mind you).

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

"No time to explain, just got word that the base was attacked."

This was intriguing, because no one would have the balls to attack the Azur Lane base besides the Sirens and me (literally and figuratively. I'm the only male ship.)

"Who attacked? The Parliament? Wouldn't be surprised if it was them."

"What? No, the Northern Parliament didn't attack us, there stuck in the North," she said, confused by my assumption.

Well excuse me for trying to find out who dare attack Azur Lane HQ, and nor invite me?!

Anyway, I got dressed in my outfit, which is literally just like my sisters, just with pants instead of a skirt (though i won't lie, those skirts are pretty comfortable.)

We sailed the seven seas to get to the base, only to see a giant white fox with blue flames for tails, which also gave us a hint at who was attacking. Sakura Empire. I knew the tits were a distraction for them to lower out guard and stab us in the back (though a few of them do attend my weekly class with Littorio)

I jump on one of my Dauntless' as my sis readied to let loose an arrow. Oh, and a thing about my sis. On the outside, she may look rough and depressed, but the inside? A huge softie. Anyway, I flew high up to get to a good diving height, as Enty let loose her arrows, which prevented the fox from eating a little purple haired girl with a unicorn.

And it was around this moment I laid eyes upon the most beautiful girl in my life. Short white hair, matching fox ears, icy blue eyes that pierced by soul. And then I crashed...

In front of everybody....

Never gonna be able to live this down.

But momma never raised a quitter!!

I got up, flicked the water from my clothes, and walked up to the girl with the smuggest look ever, and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. Fight here often?"

This leaves her stunned, along with the brown haired fox, and everyone one behind me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!", I hear from behind. But I don't care. Not with this girl.

Though I don't get the response I expected. Instead, she kneed me in the balls, her cheeks were lightly dusted with a shade of pink

"Disgusting pervert!", she screamed.

I then hear a familiar voice, "Yep. Thats Badger alright."

I look to see it was Clevebro. Short, with blonde hair, a blue shirt with a white cape, and a white skirt.

"Hey, Clevebro.", I greeted, still reeling from the pain of losing the next generation (maybe... can we Kansen reproduce like humans? Ill find out sooner or later.)

"I fucking told you to stop calling me that!!!"

Then the brown fox spoke up.

"Badger? As in the Black Badger? If he's here, then the Grey Gjost isn't far—"

She's cut off as sis shot an arrow, which grazed her cheek. Though the brown fox looks familiar.

"Well, we weren't expecting both the Grey Ghost and the Black Badger to arrive together, but known this: this is a declaration of war. Us Sakura Empire and Iron Blood join together to form Crimson Axis to destroy you, Azur Lane."

As some sort of petals surrounded the two, I flicked a card towards the white fox sister.

"Call me," I whispered.

She looked at me in disgust as she burned the card with blue fire. Little did she know, there was another card! She just sighs and finally leaves along with her sister.

I turn around to see everyone staring at me.

"So...did I miss anything?"


So, here's the first chapter of Love and War! I'm trying to change my writing style so its not the script format that the majority of people use on this app (no hate to yall, you do you). Hope you enjoy. Also, I'm thinking of having each chapter switch between Badger's and Kaga's POV, so you all get to see their side of things. Anyway, again, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Here's a song for yall

Love & War (Kaga x OC)Where stories live. Discover now