Spin of Doom

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"Rissa... you made it," Damon stuttered at the stunning presence of his girlfriend.

"Welcome to my house. Be my guest," Damon told Charissa conveying a gesture to lead her into his house. Charissa brimmed with a smile as she step into the doorway. One after another, kids from school start to arrive at the Shermans' house. Soon as most of the kids arrived, the party started with Damon making wishes and blowing off candles on the birthday cake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAMON!" everyone in the room yelled.

"Happy seventeenth birthday to me. I'll like to thank my mom and dad for making this birthday party possible. I will also like to thank my best friend, Jordan for helping to plan this party and always being there for me. Thanks to Randy too for helping with the decorations and modifications of the house."

"RANDY?" the kids clamored and were shocked that Randy assisted with ornaments because they know he has constantly been a problematic kid in school.

"Yes, Randy and his pals help us with the decorations. They used to be bullies but now they've changed," Mr. Sherman said backing Randy and his friend up to convince the rest of the students they are no more tyrants. Randy felt awful but Damon cheered him up advising him that was unexpected news to the kids and it will take a while for them to acknowledge that he has evolved into a changed person.
The monopoly game was started and everybody watched, Mr. Johnson promised the winner of the night fifty dollars as a winning award. After about 2 hours the contest finished with a modest girl earning the winning. Later the chess game was played among other kids while fourteen teenagers moved into the house basement to play the 'spin the bottle game.
Jordan had already cut out cardboard pieces in the shape of cards with questions and dares. The cards were arranged in the middle of the room like a deck of cards. Each time the bottle spins, whoever the bottle points to when it stops spinning will pick the top card and read out what is written on it after the task or question has been answered the card would be shoved under the deck, and the last player spins the bottle again for the next round, the game goes on like that.
After the deck of cards has been placed on the floor everybody was seated on the sofas ready to begin the game. Joan stood up, walks to the center of the room, and spin the bottle to start the game. The bottle is spun with high momentum, the velocity slowly drops till it stopped, pointing to one of Randy's pals; Ryan.


Everyone in the room clamored for his name. Ryan walked to pick up a card and read out the words written on it.

"If you had the chance to have a superpower, what ability would you like to have and why would you choose that ability?" Ryan read.

"Well, I would love to have super speed so I can win an Olympic medal."

"Hm. Okay"
"Way to go"
"I could think of a better power, uhh"

The teenagers remarked on Ryan's choice of power making a hullabaloo about each one's choice. Ryan poked the card underneath the deck and spins the bottle.


Dorothy stood up to pick up the next card.

"Oh no!" Dorothy cried after catching a glimpse of what she picked.

"READ IT OUT!" they all yelled.

"Take off your shirt and put it back with the front side facing the back for ten minutes... this is so embarrassing."

They all howled and laughed at Dorothy's pick because she was wearing a gown which makes it worse and comical.

"Now this is getting interesting," Joan said.

Dorothy took off her dress and wore it front to back, returned the card, and flipped the bottle for the next round.


Randy went for his card and read.

"What's a secret you never want to let anyone find out? Uhm... I don't think I have any secret."

"Jeez, man you're such a wet blanket. Can't you think of anything? You're ruining the fun!" Jordan protested at Randy's response.

"I never guessed I'd tell anyone this but I have a crush on Charissa."

The whole room sat in silence, astonished by what Randy said like someone hit the big 'pause' button in the universe.

"What? I thought you've always hated her," Ryan asked him.

"I only tried to bully her because I didn't know how to talk to her."


"That's enough guys! Next round! All you are required to do is answer the question. This is not confession time at some orthodox church," Joan cried out.

Randy returned the card and spins the bottle, but this time it was different, time slowed down as the bottle spins, and the diastolic and systolic rhythm of the heartbeat could be heard as the spinning bottle synchronize with the heartbeat, the lower the velocity dropped the louder the heartbeat could be heard. It got louder and slower until the bottle head stopped to a ding sound like an oven alarm.


Darla a remarkably beautiful blonde girl gazed on the floor bewildered as the bottle lay pointed at her. She stood up from the sofa, picked the next card, stared at it, and took a deep breath.

"Pick someone of your choice and give them a passionate kiss."

"WOOHOO!" the teenagers howled in exhilaration.

"It's about to go down," someone yelled from the crowd and the crowd began to chant.


Darla slowly moved around the room as the chant goes on. The hearts of the boys in the room began to race in anticipation of being picked. A few of them winked and gestured at her to be picked but she didn't notice them. She knew what she wanted.

"I pick..."


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