Chapter 10 (Paying attention)

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In the still-dark hours of early morning, I awoke back in my bed. I had slept better last night than I had in months. Shaking off the new thoughts and emotions of the past couple of days, I checked in next door before getting myself cleaned up. Raven was sound asleep. Helen had drawn the night shift and dozed in a small cot by the bed.

After washing and kitting up, I went down to the kitchen, hoping it was already open. I needed to fill up before I attended a long morning of recruit training. Sure enough, the dining room was serving, and I wasn't alone. Vigil Snow was already breaking his fast with hot coffee and smoked meats on fresh bread. I sat down across from him, knowing that we had plenty to discuss but letting him choose where to begin.

"Good morning, Ara. Glad to see you're up. How is our half-elf guest this morning?"

"Resting well. She's healing, and I hope that she'll be up and about in a few more days. Did you want to talk about yesterday?"

"Ara, you are young, strong, and fearless, but my biggest concern for you has been your independence. A Vigil must draw upon those around him for the strength and skills that he lacks. He must form bonds with his people that last a lifetime, for we are in a fight that never ends. There is a shared devotion in the Order, especially around a Vigil, that carries us forward. It has been an honor to watch you find yourself and begin to find your place among us."

"I was concerned that I might have overstepped yesterday."

"Many in the room were sweating the outcome, but you were quite clear and correct in your actions. You were well within your rights and abilities to step in and protect the girl," Snow replied. "My only concern now is the arrival of Vigil Thorn and how she will react to you and the situation, but let's leave that for a future discussion. Today, I have but one request."

"And what is that, Lord Snow?"

"You will be attending sentinel recruit training on the west training field this morning under the tutelage of Adept-Sergeant Masterson. He's a bit rough around the edges. Please don't damage him." Snow offered a smile as payment for his seemingly simple request.

"And keep my shirt on?" I said.


Before reaching the west training field an hour after dawn, I stopped by the North Tower. I was in luck this time to find Mott Duncan in the scouts' common room sorting the day's patrols.

"Sentinel-scout Duncan, may I have the honor of accompanying your second shift patrol today? I've got training in the morning but would very much like to get a daytime view of the land around Berykholt," I stuck with my most respectful tone.

He fired back, "Ha! Cut with the crap, Scout. Once you're in, you're in. I'll be glad to ride out with you this afternoon. Be here after lunch with your horse."

"Will do. Now I must get over to my first recruit training session with Sergeant Masterson. Vigil Snow made me promise not to hurt him. Any advice?"

Duncan chuckled in reply, "Well then, you are good and truly fethed."

We took the field to the west of Castle Berykholt after a five-mile run in full kit. Including my own, four hundred fresh faces flushed with exertion as we came to rest for inspection.

Four recruit companies covered the open field. Each company consisted of about one hundred recruits, ages eighteen to twenty-two, with the summer company being the most senior in status and due to graduate with the new moon. The autumn company would then be highest ranked, followed by the winter and spring companies. Spring company recruits had only been in training for about two months. Each company took up a side of the field, and a rather large sentinel-adept ran the inspection, counting heads and organizing lines according to a simple ranking system. The best fighters or alphas in each company were placed front and center.

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