CHAPTER 16: Rescue Mission

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Salad Fingers looked up quickly from Pico as he heard something in the distance. A loud, thundering crash and cracking. He was confused, and his confusion turned to terror as he heard a familiar voice scream out, shifting into a demonic screech.

"ENA!! TH-THEY'RE HERE! WE NEED TO H-HELP THEM..!", Salad Fingers said in fear and panic.
Pico looked forward, realizing he was right. The other two nodded and caught up to them.
The four rushed toward the room, which was on the other side of the facility.
Salad Fingers almost started crying, thinking of all the damage that could be dealt;
They could've killed her, made her go insane, or worse yet....
Put them to the same fate that he had suffered, transforming her into a terrible beast.
He snarled, his eyes starting to change as he curled over in pain.
That gripping fear triggered his feral form.
"Oww...! Wait..! No, No, No, n-not again..!!", he stammered as his tail dropped to the ground with a thud and his claws scraped the metal floor.
His claws sharpened, this time leaving no cuts or pain, but when his spikes raised, they made his spine feel like it was breaking. He screamed in pain, now fully crying. A soft growl cut through his pained cries, and then they shifted into a full-hearted growl.
He covered his,, mouth, his snakelike eyes widened in horror and looking downward. Pico froze, his jaw dropping. Alien Hominid stepped back, followed suit by Cassandra.
Salad Fingers uncovered his mouth.
"Wh-what was that hi-hideous sou-SNAR-L-L...!", his voice suddenly shifting into a terrifying, hissing snarl. He heard it and his chest tightened.
GR-A-AWLLL....!", he began to say before he started to lose his ability to speak.
"HEL-L-P.. ME-E-E-RAW-R-L-L-L!!!!!", he roared, falling onto his hands and feet as his body shifted to be fully quadruped.
His shoulders moved up onto the top of his back as he hissed and snarled in pain.
His legs became fully digitigrade, further tearing his leggings.
His claws scraped the ground and his movements went wild and completely animal, like a tiger that had just been enraged.
He aimed his head up and let out a loud, bone-chilling hiss as his fangs flicked out.
The three watched in terror as he looked back at them, terrified at what had just happened. He heard another one of ENA'S screams and growled, his head turning in that direction. Pico grabbed Salad Fingers' arm as Alien reached out his arm.
"DON'T!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE MIGHT DO! HE'S A MONSTER!!", he screamed in panic.
Salad Fingers whipped his head around to look at Pico, his fangs bared and his eyes glowing with rage. He was crying, unable to talk or stand up.
"I cant talk..! This is terrible.. I'm turning into.. I'm fully becoming a monster! I never desired this, I'm scared..!", Salad Fingers thought to himself, unable to speak English.
He tried to stand up, using his tail as balance as he snarled and hissed. He towered over Pico, his claws swiping through the air as he tried to maintain balance. Pico screamed and ran back, thinking that he was truly gone and full monster. Salad Fingers saw him run off and tried to run after him, inadvertently terrifying the other two.
He looked at them, now crying full-on and trying to speak. All he could muster up were soft growls and noises like a scared lynx. He tried to explain how he tried to stand up and didn't want to scare Pico, but Cassandra was the only one who could hear him. Pico was crying, thinking he had lost his friend, and Alien was defensive.
"Back, beast!! You're not our friend anymore, you're just an animal!! Go away, you dangerous freak!!", Alien Hominid snarled, picking up a crowbar and waving it at him. His eyes widened in sadness and he felt hurt... deeply.
He lowered his body, getting close to the ground, and his snarls and growls went soft and sounded whispery.
He whimpered like an injured dog, shaking as he eyed each one.
His voice cut through the animalistic sounds, leaving one devastatingly human message that proved he was still in there:
"I.. I-I didn't mean to..! I'm not a m-monster!!", his voice cut through, whispery and cracked. It almost sounded like a snake that had learned to speak, and it hit Alien like a train.
He lowered the crowbar, his blood running cold. He felt guilty, and he dropped the crowbar. Pico's crying went from out of fear to out of anger.
"You chased him off!! He's gonna get himself killed! Do you have any idea of what you just DID!?", Pico said, his voice gaining it's original edge from when he was still fine and okay. Alien looked at him and ran after him. Pico's eyes widened as he realized that Alien did know.
He did realize the damage he had done.

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