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" You don't get it! We have to stop this marriage!" He's getting frustrated that his husband is failing to grasp the dire situation.

His husband got a cup of tea and put on the table to calm down his nerve. " Darling you know that lan zhan himself agree to marry. We can't do anything but for your peace of mind we can talk to him again before he walk on that aisle." He put his hand on his husband's knees and pet it gently which work magically.

" I'm sorry for yelling at you." Xichen looked at his apologetically and a shame of himself for yelling at his husband but his husband reply switch the position but this time he gentle pat on his shoulder blade.

" I believe that sometimes disagreeing, yelling , arguing and screaming at each other is healthy in relationship. And I'm happy that you are letting your fake facade wearing off. I think your uncle will get mini heart attack . Poor all his lifetime effort vain in water. I like this version of you. My Feisty Husband!"

" There's no way I can disappoint him anymore. Besides if my husband like it then I don't care about anyone. I'm worried about Lan zhan. He don't get to say anything in this. My uncle control everything."

" It's okay! Lan zhan is also my family. And if he's against the marriage then I'll make sure to get him out of venue. Your uncle and Wei Wuxian can fuck himself."

" Fuck my Uncle and Wei Wuxian!" Xichen repeated after his husband.

When lan zhan went inside the room after having a nice conversation with the stranger he felt much better. But when his make up artist told him that someone is waiting for him inside the room he thought it's gonna be his uncle face contorted with rage waiting for him but  instead he meet  his brother and brother in law. His brother eyes on the floor too ashamed to looked into his eyes.

" Lan zhan you know I can still get you out of this marriage?" He close their distance and pull him from a hug. Well Lan zhan is not a big fan of other people touch but he can't denied that his brother in law gives a best comfy hug.

" You want me to kick you uncle and soon to be husband butt? After that we can immigrate to other countries." Nie Mingjue grins as he effort to lighten the mood, but at the same time he also mean it. If Lan zhan say that he doesn't wanna get marry then he'll do whatever it takes to take him out of there.

" You know that's not possible! Uncle's bodyguards will get you first.!"

" Wait didn't your bother told you that I got three black belt in Taekwondo?"

" Mingjue Ge, you teach the  children's not to indulge in fight and here you are planning to do the opposite. Beside I'm very looking forward to this marriage." Mingjue has known Lan zhan for 5 years. He know that when he decided to do something then he'll do it. He's not someone to step back after he give his word.

It was their 1st anniversary when Xichen Introduced him to Lan zhan. His first impression was stoic and obedient contrast to his Xichen. Discipline! When their food arrived Lan zhan gracefully offered thin tea and start eating without taking too much.Mingjue  thought Lan zhan is also like his uncle who's not a big fan of middle class people. In conclusion he find him rude and arrogant.

But as time passes he realized that Lan zhan is anything but rude and arrogant. He's kind hearted and love his family dearly.He  doesn't like too talk too much. He's stoic and expressionless but once you get to know him you'll realize that he's just a regular person who just wanted to love and protect his family.

Mingjue pat his pat his head with his big ole smile.

" Can I please have a moment with A-zhan?" requested Xichen.

After they're left alone in the rooms Xichen broke down his tears and star apologizing. " I...I'm sorry. Because of me you're in this situation. I feel so..*sob* Ashamed and sorry that I can't help you at all."

" Gege I don't know how to assure you anymore but I am happy and content."

"You  can fool your brother in law and everybody but not not to me. look into my eyes and tell me that you are happy with this arrangement."

" I can say that I'm not happy with this marriage. How can I? I was supposed to graduate and find a job and fall in love then get marry. My whole life plan got toppled down. I was bought by this person who's going to be husband and I don't even know how he looks it." He lashed out his feeling to his brother.

" I can take you out. Fuck uncle and this company."

" I can't. Our parents works very hard for this company and I can't stomach that because of my selfish hundred of workers will lose their job. It's already got too far."

" No!!! Don't even worry about it. I will ask Wei wuxain to form this alliance without marriage. Shit.. I'll even beg if I have to. Just say a work A-zhan please"

Who's Xichen even trying to fool. They both have handle family business and they both know that it's not gonna work out like that at all.

LAN INC  has been loss in stock market for 6 months now and they're losing their shareholders. They have been trying to find another big Business party to merge in with them but all of them decline. It's a miracle that the one and only WEI INC decided to merge without even them asking.

Lan Qiren nearly jump out from his office window when his PR inform the news. They didn't ask WEI INC because they're 100% sure that big business like WEI don't have a fuck. Who in their right mind will merge with the company that's going bankrupt soon.
[shh.... {Person who fall in love} didn't heard it from me]

" I know that's it's not how it was supposed to be but I'm willing to give this marriage a chance. So please don't worry about me and stop giving yourself and Mingjue Gege a hard time. So please trust me with this and if it doesn't turn out well then we can go for divorce."

Xichen took a deep breath. " If he try to force on you then you must tell me. I'll trust you and your decisions. I won't get meddle with it."

His designer fit and shoes feels heavy on him. He can't wait to take it all out. His face feel itchy with makeup he was force to put ona and his body weight heavy. None of this is the way he wanted for his wedding.

His uncle walk on aisle with him after Xichen and his uncle got in huge argument basically threaten him to chose his uncle if he wants his brother and his husband to even watch him his wedding.

And truth to be told Lan zhan kinda expected it's gonna happened. His Uncle will not lose this opportunity to show off to other prominent business leaders that the owner and CEO of WEI INC is his nephew husband. That he got a biggest supporter on his back. And Lan zhan is also mentally and physically exhausted. He just want to go to his room and turn on his fav ANIME to watch while eating take out.

His uncle clearly give him instruction to keep his head up and smile at other people before walking on the aisle. But he decided to act against it.

Too afraid that he's gonna regret his decision. He didn't even dare to look at husband face. Eyes glue on the floor but his feet take him to his destiny. If you ask him how many step it takes  from his make up room to the alter, he'll reply you in one breath. His uncle has been whisper shouting him to lift his head up but he turn deaf.

He became more nervous when he saw a designer shoes and realized that he reached the groom stand.After taking one last long exhale he gather enough courage to look at his husband.


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