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Since it's my birthday today I present a little gift for my readers who always comment and like my stuff and appreciate my hard work! I can't thank you enough! This author is grateful for all of you!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!! I wasn't supposed to release this today but whatever! I think everybody is deserve to spoil right???

Lan zhan woke up to his husband gently hushed voice to wake him up. He groaned and try to move to the other side of bed and regret immediately after feeling a pain shot from his bottom.

Wei Ying helped his husband to sit up straight and brought their breakfast to bed. Since yesterday big messy incident they decided go with western style. A toast with scramble egg and Slice of Avocado with some Orange juice.

" Hmmm. I don't think I can finished it all!"

" I thought we can share from the same plate!" With his husband bold statement he lost a piece of toast with was supposed to into his mouth now lying on the blanket. Wei Ying laughed at Lan zhan reaction.

" I... I would love to!" Lan zhan said shyly. Wei ying can't resist his husband cute behavior and want to eat him. Well who's Lan zhan to say No to his husband after their amazing night yesterday.

Long forgotten their breakfast when they were busy eating each other. Wei ying control the situation when he realized that it's getting out of hand.

" Honey! If we don't stop now then I'm afraid that you're going to miss your last class before your summer vacation.

Lan zhan groan but decided not to let go of his husband mouth. After half an hour of their make out which includes lots of kissing and stroking their dicks, cumming 2 times they put an end.

Wie Ying washed his husband and got him ready for his class. Lan zhan didn't miss his gentle and caring touch. And the way he hold him as if he's as feather. All this feelings make him feel light and content. Wei ting turn out to be exact opposite that he thought of him before marriage. Wei ying gentle, kind, caring and lovely person and a very good husband.

" Remember to take Advil after our sex! I can't even walk right now!"Wei Ying helped him go put his shoes since he can't bent down. ( WE ALL KNOW WHY!" )

"Yap noted!" He made to knot the shoelace properly.

The last day of his class went as he expected. People were staring at him and talking behind his back and they didn't bother to hide it. It was given for lost of reasons. Reason 1: He was married to super rich young billionaire businessman.
2: His husband is hot as fuck and all the student got glimpse of his husbands when Wei ying drop Lan zhan at the front gate of his university with his expensive Porsche car that made all the girls and boys go crazy.
3. His husband is WEI WUXAIN!

" I can't believe that you're husband is that popular?" Xiao Xingchen good friend of his, took a seat next to him.

" I told him that he didn't have to drop but he's damn stubborn!" Lan zhan sighed and grabbed a sausage.

" Well if he's responsible for all this marks and the reason for your limping, I think it's given that he need to take care of you!"

Lan zhan snort and checked his phone to see if he got any messages or call from his brother. Which resulted none but he did got plenty of message go his husband asking how's he doing.

" Okay! Love bird! You're in public space!" Xingchen warned him.

" What!! What do you mean! I'm checking my social media!" Lan zhan fight back. His friend being done with him. " Okay first of all you got this creepy smile on your face that I haven't seen before and second you're blushing hard!"

Lan zhan grabbed a book and smacked it at his friend head. They are joined by their other friend which complete their friend circle.

" So I can't wait! Tell me everything in details! Right how!" Demanded  Mianmiam which was back up by Xingchen. They both scot closer to Lan zhan who's red like tomato.

" I'm not sharing my Sex experience with my husband to my friends!" He put his hand crossed on his Chest and Shake his head. His friends glared at him.

" How presumptuous!!! I clearly remember it was me and Xingchen who helped you yesterday and convince you after you ran away from your husband kiss because you were chicken out. If we didn't convince you then it would have never happened." mainmain argued with the support of Xingchen who nod his head and pout at him.

Lan zhan sighed and after all it is true. Without his friends help he would never gain confidence. He dropped his shoulder and scot even closer so no one can hear their conversation. He might not share all the moment but he did told them how good his husband on the bed and the aftercare, which cause a loud squeal among their friends.

Some students looked at them in distaste and other didn't even bother. Mainmain Lean back and happy that his friend look much happier than she thought. when she heard the arrange marriage after all lan zhan take a lots of time to adjust but Wei Wuxain work like Magic. What more shock was when she noticed the bruise on his lips.

" You let him kiss on the lips??" Both of his friends know that Lan zhan may not be virgin when it comes to sex but he didn't let any of his one night Stand to kiss him on lips. He always responded that for him Kiss on the mouth feel very intimacy and he's gonna save for his real lover in the future. For him to let Wei Ying kiss on the lips were a very big deal for them. It means that Lan zhan trust him and cherish him.

Mainmain thought that things were processing very fast between them but she decided to swallow her thought after seeing how happy her friend looks. And she will kill Wei wuxain if he break Lan zhan heart and she know that she will not be alone.

At Wei ying work place everybody was even more nervous than yesterday. They were got use to their boss in bad mood but not in this Wei Ying who were singsong on his way to his office room that genuine bright smile on his face made everyone panicked.

After he enter his offices group of workers bring their chair and circle together.

" What the hell! Why is he smiling like that?!" One of the office worker whisper to his other colleagues. Who were also dumbfounded but more in scary way.

" I have been working in this company for 5 years and I never saw his genuine smile before! It creeps me out!"

The other girl co-worker slap his shoulder. " WTF! He got the most beautiful smile!! I can do anything for that smile." She squeals and she was joined by other girls co-workers.

" Well, I can do anything to find the reason behind the smile!" The other male co-workers said.

" It's obvious! His husband! Now scram and work! We need to attend the morning meeting"

They all groan and push their chair against the desk and  continue to get ready for their day in office.

Wei ying slumped down in his chair after a long morning meeting with investors. He check his phone and were smiling like a idiot when he saw his husband message telling about his evening plan with his friends. Wei ying pout a little when he realized that his husband won't be able to spent the evening together with him.

He was pulled out of his train of thoughts when he got a call. He looked at the caller ID and ignored after all he hates them! After all they are people who hurt him the most! So he ignored it and decided to work on his upcoming project.

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