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You!!!!??? Lan zhan shrieked.

"Wangji lower your voice. Behave!" Lan Qiren warn him. Lan zhan lower the his head, ashamed and quietly whisper SORRY. When he look at Wei ying, he can say that he looks pissed at his uncle. His uncle passed his hand go Wei ying who hold him gently.

Lan zhan heart sped up when he was standing next to every handsome and business ICON WEI WUXAIN as his husband. The Black suit fit him perfectly around his body might make lan zhan knees give up. His husband beauty looks like it belongs in entrainment cycle.

The wedding ceremony was short. People clapped, cheered and whistle loudly when they exchange rings and vows. And comes the kissing part. Lan zhan thought that Wei ying will initiate but his husband looks shy with his ears all red. So Lan zhan took a first step, pulling his husband tie and place his lips on him. It was quick peck but enough for Wei ying heart to explode.

The couple were seated and were listening to their friends who was reciting speech. Wei Ying can't believe that Lan zhan is seating next to him as his husband. The same Lan zhan who saved him and show him love when he was in his lowest in life. When he looks at lan zhan with his peripheral view, he saw lan zhan looking at the ring he gave to him with cloud emblem.

Truth to be told Lan zhan thought that Wei ying will present him big diamond ring since he's billionaire. He didn't expect him to give him Silver ring with Could emblem. The perfect wedding ring he has always wanted since from childhood. He wondered if his brother has any hand in this ring idea and made a mental note to ask him.

Wei Ying can pinpoint every changes in his features. He's kinda disappointed that his chubby cheeks is gone and he looks way too thin for his age. He makes a mental note that he'll somehow bring it back. In his mind he was planning all the food he can feed Lan zhan.

When Lan zhan feels someone gaze on him, he turn and found his husband gaze on him. And he feels that gaze familiar. It didn't make him uncomfortable like other people gazes.

Wei Ying got out of his imagination when he heard Lan zhan voice. " Eyes on the front."

Wei ying chuckled and mumble " Sorry!"

Wei ying friends who introduce himself as Wen Ning took the stage and start his speech. Lan zhan listen to speech intently and if his friend is not exaggerating then his husband does sound a good person and good friend. Sadly for him there's no one in the crowd who can give him clue if Wei Wuxain is good spouse or not sadly other than him no one can answer other than himself and he's nervous to experience it firsthand.

From Lan zhan side his uncle decided to do the honor and we can conclude that it's all about his achievements and all about him. How hard it was for him to too look after Lans brother after their parents passed away. Lan zhan fidget with his finger and become distressed after his parents bring mention. He became even more uneasy when the venue was pin drop Mentioning his parents death to prove his points was low blow.  

He can't believe that he's his uncle did that. It brings back the memories when it happens and lan zhan really need his brother to calm him. Wei ying bring his arm at his back and rubbed it gently.

Wen Ning came on the stage and literally stole microphone from Qiren and told everyone it's time for dance without letting Wiren to finished his speech. Lan zhan excuse himself for bathroom but Wei ying know that he's going there to bawled his eyes out.

Wei ying stood outside of bathroom and blocking  guest who's in need to use the bathroom. He reason that it's not working. He guarded until he hear the water running which means his husbands done and quickly run back to the original place as if he wasn't guarding the bathroom.

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