ch. IV: All Might...

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-TW: this chapter contains suicide baiting-
-the first entry of the book is heavily inspired by the song Fairytales by Gabby Sofia-

Bakugou’s POV:
       His journals, he left them to me. I opened the one with the scorch marks… the one I blew up. It has the number 13 on the spine. I look at the front page.

Property of Midoriya Izuku

If lost please contact xxx-xxx-xxxx’

The top left read. I turned to the next page

‘Villain analysis’ was written in the middle.

‘What the hell? Villain analysis? I thought he only did heroes. I turned to the next page. 

This is my villain analysis journal. If you’re reading this you’re probably surprised, but keep reading. I assure you, it's worth it.’

I continued to read.

‘Let's look at fairytales. The villains are always taken down by the hero, or the prince charming. With every villain defeated, there's another hero who needs to feel the glory. Which they deserve, right? Think about it this way, what if the villain isn't really the bad guy? Ursula took Ariel’s voice, right? What if Ariel had stolen it in the first place? People believed her because she was seen as beautiful.'

‘What the hell is he talking about?’ I thought, continuing to read.

What if the villains aren't really villains? What if the heroes are villains behind the facade they put up? Now, what if prince charming poisoned sleeping beauty because she rejected him? In beauty in the beast, the beast ended up alright, but what if the enchantress made everyone hate him? That it was just their state of mind. What they were taught to believe.’

‘Why is he talking about fairytales?’

‘We have villains all wrong. They aren't just heartless monsters. They’re just misunderstood. Think of it like this, the villains are like a metaphor for the entire human race, representing the darkest parts of ourselves and how evil we can become. Having heroes who view their lives as filth instead of tragedy, only serves to bread hatred and self-righteousness. We are all taught that villains are evil, but we were never taught how they ended up like that. Real villains don't actually exist because the villains are us. What greater enemy is there than humanity itself?’

‘I don't think there are villains in this world. The people we call ‘villains’ were let down by the heroes, or are misunderstood, heroes. A villain is just a hero that you haven't convinced yet. Most heroes make it seem like the villains are all terrible people, that they deserve what they get, that they’re all evil. They aren't, villains are people too. Sure there are evil villains whose only goals are to incite chaos and violence, but they’re not all like that. Most villains are misunderstood. And for heroes, some heroes only do it for fame and money. They don't care if people get hurt in the process. They drag out fights and make them seem bigger for the publicity. There are real heroes, heroes who do their job to save people's lives, even if it means they lose their own. That is a true hero.’

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

Dabi was abused by his father. He was overworked and his quirk went out of control one day. It had burnt almost his entire body. His family believed he was dead, but he was saved… By a villain. The villain is known as the number one villain in japan. Shigaraki was abused by his father and when he developed his quirk, he accidentally killed his entire family. Villains aren't as we see them.’

‘I wonder if this journal has any fake heroes in it’ I thought to myself, turning the page and going back to reading, 

All Might” I read.

‘All Might has a big secret that he is hiding from the public. He has a fatal injury. In a fight with the Number 1 villain in Japan, All for One, he was injured badly. The injury took his stomach and he is only capable of staying in his ‘buff’ form for about 3 hours. 

       Whoever’s reading this may be wondering, “why is All Might in this specific journal?”

Well, it's because he is a fake hero. 

       A few months ago I met All Might, the person I aspired to be. This will take a while to write so I’m going to do a little bit of cheating. Click the button at the bottom right of the page. A hologram should pop up and show you the memory.’

I was a bit confused but did it anyway. Right when I pressed the button a hologram of Deku materialized. It was quite small, only around 10in tall. I snapped out of my thoughts when hologram Deku started talking, 

'I’m not sure why I’m doing this, it's not like anyone will be reading these, but let's get started.’

The hologram started shifting into a screen-like shape. I watched intently. 

A video faded onto the screen, it was when I was attacked by the sludge villain. I watched until Izuku ran up to it trying to save me then it faded to Izuku and All Might on the roof of a building.

“Is it possible for me to become a hero without a quirk?” he asked in a desperate tone.

“Look kid, if you were to go out there being quirkless, you'd end up dead. You should try something more realistic, like a doctor or a police officer.” All Might said to the frail young boy, wrecking his dreams completely.

I saw a puff of smoke and a sickly blonde man showed up. Deku screamed, for obvious reasons.

"Kid will you shut up, I don't want the whole city to know!" All Might whisper yelled. 

"Okay, what the fuck is going on? Who are you?" Deku asked, which surprised me. I've never heard him curse before.

"I am all might kid, I took a fatal blow from a villain named All For One," he said, lifting his shirt to show the injury.

"It took my stomach," he continued "and my respiratory system was damaged beyond repair." he finished, coughing blood after. 

"So, let me get this straight" Deku started, to which All Might nodded for him to continue.

"THE All Might was almost murdered by some All for One guy? I thought you were supposed to be the number one hero." Deku finished, scoffing at the end. All Might turned away.

“Damn this kid, he’d be better off dead. He's going to die, either way, whether it's to a villain or himself, he should just speed up the process” All Might mumbled to himself before... puffing back up... and jumping away, dropping the sludge villain in the process

Izuku sat there on the roof of the building. His hero, the person who he looked up to his entire life, just said that he should kill himself. He was hoping All Might would be different from the others, but they're all the same.

I sat there shocked. Did All- no did Bitch Might just say that Izuku is better off dead? My entire life I've looked up to this man. I saw him as a hero who saved everyone with a smile… it all just a show? Izuku was right, Bitch Might is a fake hero. I can't fucking believe this, I can't believe I looked up to him.

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