Sister story

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"You both don't love each other?"Jimin asked his husband seeing the behaviour of jungkook and his sister.

Jungkook was taken aback by jimin's sudden question.

" Jeon Jihyo,Sorry,Jihyo is not my own sister.She is my step sister."Jungkook said.

"But if you ask me whether I love her or not,I love her so much.Though she annoys me alot.I still love her as my own sister." Jungkook completed his sentence.

"How you both met eachother?" Jimin asked out of curiosity.

Jungkook chuckles by his curiosity.But still he answers his question.

"Well that is a big story.Lemme tell you that as a bedtime story.Now go fresh up,you still didn't change your dress." Jungkook said.

"No.Say it now.Otherwise I will ask jihyo...wait jihyo is my elder sister or younger sister?" Jimin asked confusedly.

"Younger sister." Jungkook said admiring him.

"Okay,but still I didn't forget the adoption story.Okay?you have to tell me today night,my bedtime story okay?" Jimin asked.

"Sure" Jungkook replied with a chuckle.

After having shower....

Jimin struggled to come out of bathroom because he couldn't able to find his wheelchair.

"Oh,you came-What are you searching?" Jungkook asked.

"Wheelchair" Jimin said looking around he was about to fall but thankfully jungkook caught him.

"Than-thank you" Jimin said still not stopping his smile.

"Yahhh you dumbhead jungkook will you ever come to have dinner or you are gonna starve if so it's good though!I will have more food for God's sake-"Jihyo was cut off by jungkook.

" Stop it,you annoying sister"

"Finally you decided to come back" Jihyo teased them.

"Where is jimin?"Jihyo asked his brother.

" Here Jihyo"Jimin interrupted their talk.

"I am sorry for being late though" Jimin said.

"No it's okay...Come let's have dinner." Jihyo said

Jungkook sat in between jimin and jihyo.

They ate their dinner silently.

After completing their dinner they gone to sleep.

"Jungkook,story story!" Jimin said in excited voice.

"Sure" Jungkook said chuckling.

We adopted her when she was 5 and I was 11 at that time.I never speak to my family.Many occasions will come but I won't open my mouth.

Many relatives came and adviced me to start talking and stop being introvert.But I didn't cared about it and kept quite for long time

One day my mom said me to get ready.My mom took me to orphanage.I saw her there.She didn't play like other kids.She was silent too.My mom said me to sit in one bench but I could see her though.

My mummy told me to pick any children I like but within she could complete her sentence and without any thoughts my hand pointed her.

They do bring her to my home.But after that too I was silent.My mom at some point started to scold me.My dad started to hate me.

One fine day I was in terrace.Then someone came and patted my shoulder.

"Hello,My name is Jihyo."

"Jeon jungkook"

"Why are you alone?"

I was taken aback by that sudden question.

"Because I don't like anyone" Jungkook said.

"Then why you picked me?"Jihyo asked him.

" Because I like you"Jungkook replied.

"Like me?" Jihyo asked.

Jungkook nodded his head.

Jihyo suddenly hugged him tightly,he started to cry in her arms.

"Mom and dad don't love me" Jungkook said.

"No one loved me" He continued his sentence.

"Excluding me" Jihyo said.

"Yes,I love you." Jihyo said.

"Say me about you" Jungkook asked.

"Well I will be silent but once if I get so close I will annoy like so much.I don't have any particular favourites but food food is my favourite.You can convince me by food" Jihyo said.

Only she understood me and came and comforted me.

"That's how we met" Jungkook completed his story.

"Awwww,that was cute" Jimin said.

"Yes,Annoying sister of mine" Jungkook said.

"Why you chose me?" Jimin asked."Why you chose someone who is in wheelchair?"Jimin asked.

"Well,I chose the person not the wheelchair" Jungkook replied.

Jimin suddenly hugged him.Jungkook was taken aback but he hugged him tightly.

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