I'm sorry

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"I am sorry if Tzuyu crossed her limits...as she said she wasn't in her right mind.I am sorry"Jimin said to everyone there in that house and not wanting to hear reply from anyone he gone to their room quickly...

After that no one dared to speak to anyone in that house...Mr.Jeon and Mrs.Jeon was busy with all their works,Jihyo was busy in studying yet she couldn't concentrate on her studies,Jungkook gone to his work so early and returning home very late,Jimin is in library all day..

Nothing is right...In this house...

"Can we all talk?"Jihyo asked."I don't think it's right to be calm"Jihyo continued.

Everyone Mr and Mrs.Jeon,Jungkook agreed...Since Jimin is in library...someone has to go and call him..

"I will go call him"Mrs.Jeon said.

"No need I will go and call him"Jihyo said.

Everyone is so shocked to see pale and weak Jimin... especially Jungkook..

"Are you eating?"it was Jungkook who spoke...

"Yes hyung"Jimin lied to him."Why you called me?"Jimin asked.

"To talk..since you are also my family"Jungkook said.

Jimin's eyes was watery so he looked down...

No one dared to talk...

"Since no one is talking...I am leaving"Jimin said controlling his tears...With that he left to their room..

At their room

"It's okay to cry jiminahh"Jungkook spoke..

"What hyung?I am not crying"Jimin said controlling his tears...

"I said it's okay to cry jiminshii"Jungkook hugged Jimin after saying this...

"Feeling better?"Jungkook asked him...

"Yes hyung thanks"Jimin said.."Can you do me a favour?"Jimin asked...


"Can you all speak with each other?please-"Jimin was cut-off by Jungkook...

"Jiminahh-"Jungkook was cut-off by Jimin..

"Hyung,I didn't complete it yet...Please hyung...I don't want a problem because of me...She just wants me to do household works I will do...I can try to do"Jimin completed.

"She wants a grandchild too...What will you do?"Jungkook asked.."I am sorry if I hurt you but you don't have to stress yourself..I will take care of you,I will take you to the safest place...but I don't want you to stress"Jungkook completed

"Okay hyung"is all Jimin could say...


At Garden

"Can we speak?"Jihyo asked to his brother...

"Hm...Yes...We can"Jungkook replied.

"What is the actual problem?Why are you silent?"

"As you know mom is keep on hurting him..."Jungkook said."it's not safe for him to stay he-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin.

"Hyung,I already told you it's okay..she just wants me to work...What is the problem in that?"Jimin asked him.

"How do you expect me to be calm jiminah?"Jungkook asked him..."You are my husband...You are my property and you say me to hear whatever she speaks?"

"So what?"is all I am asking.

"You both have to stop"Jihyo said...

"You ask me so what?lemme tell you!!You are mine understand and whomever it maybe whomever hurts you I won't think twice to kill them.Got it?"Jungkook said.

Jimin couldn't speak...not out of shock...He just couldn't suddenly he couldn't..he is trying to breathe but he couldn't...he fainted

"Jiminah,are you okay?Speak something"Jungkook said in panic..

"We have to take him to hospital.."Jihyo shouted...

At hospital...

"Doctor...Doctor"Jungkook shouted..

"Mister,you have to calm down this is hospital"Doctor said.

"I am sorry but treat him"Jungkook said.

"What happened?"Doctor asked.

"We were speaking and then he first couldn't able to speak and then he couldn't able to breathe..."Jungkook said.

"Okay we will take care..."Doctor said and said the nurse to check him.

After some time

"What happened doctor?"Jungkook asked doctor.

"Did anyone forced him to sit?or he tried to sit?"Doctor asked.

"Yes doctor...My mom forced him to sit..what happened?"Jihyo replied

"Why did you force him to sit when you know that he can't?"Doctor started to scold

"You shouldn't force him to sit...He have cervical spine injury..that too C4 spinal injury which made him unable to breathe"Doctor explained.

"Look,he is a patient okay?I came to know that he is also undergoing some mental issues and if this is the case then even god can't help you...Please stay with him... Don't leave him alone"Doctor said and left.

"I am sorry Tzuyu for not taking care of him"Jungkook said.(Tzuyu came too)

"It's okay I understand...I knew he won't share anything..It's okay hyung,no need to ask sorry"Tzuyu said in gentle tone.

After 12 hours:
"Any one can meet him"Nurse said...

Jungkook gone to meet him...His heart broke after seeing him in this state...

"Jiminah"Jungkook called him in his sweet tone.

"No need to stress...lie down I will come"Jungkook said when Jimin is trying to face him...

"I am sorry"Jungkook said...

"Hyung-"Jimin was cut off by Jungkook

Hey readers...

Here's another chapter...I think this is my first long chapter..

Thank you for reading...


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