I wanna tell you something

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"That feeling has a name called LOVE"Tzuyu said clearing his doubt and getting answer for her question.

"But I don't know whether he loves me"Jungkook said.

"Don't worry about it-"but before Tzuyu could finish Jungkook started to speak.

"I mean how the hell you are telling me not to worry about it?I love him and I am confused whether he loves me back or not and here you are telling me not to worry about it?"Jungkook started to speak in frustration.

"Okay okay you need to calm down-"

"Ughhhh!!!I can't be calm-"

"After knowing that he loves you too"Tzuyu said.

For a second Jungkook was confused about what Tzuyu is talking but then when he realized he was on cloud nine."But how do you know it?"Jungkook asked.

"Sisters knew everything bro!!!"Tzuyu said mockingly

Now he realized Jihyo was in too."ahhh!now you both played game with us?"Jungkook asked.

"Not like a game exactly but like a help maybe?"Tzuyu said.

"Well,that was a great help.Thank you"Jungkook said.

"No need of thank you.Go meet your charming prince waiting for you."

"Does Jimin know?about this?about the thing I love him?"Jungkook asked.

"No,he doesn't I have to inform to Jihyo-"Tzuyu was cut-off by Jungkook.

"Don't tell him,let it be surprise please..I mean tell it to Jihyo but tell her not to tell it to Jimin.Will you?"Jungkook pleaded.

"Sure bro,I will tell her not to tell him"With that Tzuyu bowed and gone.

Jungkook bowed in return and told her to go safely to her home.

They both went on their way...

While driving:

Hyung,when will you come it's already 9:30?
~2missed voice calls~
~3 missed video calls~
Hyung,at least tell me are you fine?
Did you get into accident?
Why aren't you replying to my messages?

I just now left the hotel.

Hyung,are you fine?
You didn't get into any accidents right?
Why didn't you text me hyung?

I am sorry jiminahh
I didn't know that it's 9:30 so soon.

Wait before that,are you texting me while driving?

Yes,how do you know?

Just come home

Jungkook now regretting his decision to type while driving.He understood jimin is angry at him.

At home

"Hey Jungkook what made you so-?"Jungkook didn't even listen to his mom and gone straight to their room in downstairs.

His mom was so confused like who is that person inside our house mean so much important to him than me?

"Jiminahh"Jungkook called him in his sweet tone thinking that jimin would fall for that.

"So,now that superhero came home?who was texting while driving to home?who was super busy with my own sister?thinking that in a busy road with more traffic texting while driving will save him."Jimin said in a angry tone.

"But nothing happened to-"Jungkook was cut-off by Jimin

"What if hyung?just what if?Huh?who will save me?who will take care of me?who will even love me with this disability?"Jimin started to cry.

"Jimin"he ran to him and hugged him."Nothing will happen to me.I promise you I won't text anyone while driving.You need to calm down"Jungkook patted his back.

"Hyung,I wanna tell you something"Jimin said.

"Yes?"Jungkook asked.

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