Want him-part 2

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"It's okay baby!i am back as I promised!it's just we didn't have pill for fever that's why!I am sorry that I didn't informed you"Jungkook said hugging his husband.

Everything Jimin needs to hear...

"You know how much scared i am?I literally thought I lost you!!!!Like seriously??Don't leave me without telling me hyung😭"Jimin said still not seperated.

"I am sorry baby...I will make sure I'll leave while telling you"Jungkook said.Jimin then seperated from hug making Jungkook confused.

"Explanation is not enough"Jimin said.

"OKAY!!!SIR!!!I WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING...It's just we didn't have pill for fever i even asked Jihyo for the pill but she didn't have it either...So i rushed to medica-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin's laugh making Jungkook confused.

"Yo-you literally search-searched medical shop at 2 am???"Jimin said while laughing.

Jungkook pov

After knowing the reason my heart melted.How can someone be this cute??

I mean he is cute even more than cute,beautiful,lovely,sexy ughhh words won't be enough to describe him!!!

But tbh my heart really melted when he laughed his heart out this face really suits him.Him cryin-

His thoughts were cut off when Jimin shouted his name.

End of Jungkook pov

"JUNGKOOK"Jimin shouted.

"Huh?yes?yes?"Jungkook said.

"You were staring at me like for freaking 2 mins"Jimin complaining.

"Huh?in which law does it state that i shouldn't STARE at my husband?"Jungkook said throwing his hands in Jimin's shoulder.

"There isn't any law but you've to complete your reason big man"Jimin said trying his best not to show his blushed face.

"Oh!where did i paused?"Jungkook asked.

"You've to continue from searching medical shops"Jimin said.

"Yeah...i actually searched for medical shop YES LITERALLY AT 2 AM what do you expect me to do?be in my normal sense when my husband is so hot"

Jimin choked

"I mean not that hot!Your skin burnt like fire!you were about to have fever...That's why i rushed to search medical shop but there's no medical shop ofc there won't be any medical shop but still i got you medicine"Jungkook said.

"How?"Jimin asked.

"I asked it from Jin hyung"Jungkook said.

"Who is Jin?"Jimin asked

he didn't get the chance to meet Jungkook's friends after their marriage.

"Oh!he is my friend i will let you know later okay?"Jungkook asked to which Jimin nodded.

"Now let's go inside you're already having fever and standing in the cold won't help"Jungkook said and dragged Jimin inside towards their room.

"Go to bed.I will go get some water and medicine"Jungkook ordered Jimin.

"No i am coming with you too!Whatever medicine it is wherever it is i will take it right there with you rather than waiting here and you going without telling me"Jimin said to which Jungkook just chuckled.

"Okay!then come with me!"Jungkook said.

"Nah!nah!Carry me!What will I do if i just turn to take something and then boom you're vanished?what will I do then?So it's better to carry me!"Jimin said with that Jungkook carried him in bridal style.

His skin is still burning he have to take this tablet after eating something..

They both reached kitchen!!!YES IT IS HAPPENING LITERALLY AT 4 AM!!!

"How will I make you food if i am gonna carry you like this?"Jungkook asked.

"Huh?yes?how?You just tell me the instructions I'll follow your instructions and do"Jimin said to which Jungkook nodded.

A/N:skip cooking part alone!!!but just imagine somehow oil splashed a little bit in Jimin's finger..Do you get what i am trying to say?

"Jimin?you okay"Jungkook shouted and made him to sit in the kitchen countertop and took Jimin's finger toward his mouth.

"Aishhh!!!!my innocent eyes"A voice made them jump a little.

"Why are you here?"Jungkook shouted.

"Huh?I came to take water for tzuyu"Jihyo replied."But then i have to look at your ughh"Jihyo literally closed her eyes.

"Then don'-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin.

"Don't misunderstand Jihyo..he is just making food for me to take this tablet?"Jimin completed.

"Okay then you can wait in your room ryt?Why are you sitting in the kitchen countertop?"Jihyo asked eyeing him.

Now he can't tell the reason that it's because if he stay in their room then Jungkook might get lost because he already knew that she already have a reason to tease the whole day!!!!

"Hyung you are not gonna help me?"Jimin whispered.

"Huh?yes!ughhh!!!you took your water?"Jungkook groaned.

"That's rude"Jihyo replied.

"Uhh!!!my little sweet sister you took water for tzuyu?she must be thirsty!!!don't you think Jimin?"Jungkook said.

"Hu-huh?ye-yes"Jimin stuttered

"Okay!but i haven't got the answer yet!"Jihyo said.

"Jihyo"tzuyu shouted from their room.

"I'm coming!tzuyu..you will be answering when you woke up okay?"Jihyo completed and rushed towards their room.

I wanna upload this chapter before i go to sleep i guess this one have many parts😂😂


Thanks for supporting me

And if there's any grammatical error I'll correct it tomorrow mrng guys!

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