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With that call everyone got back to their own work

Jihyo studying in her room,Tzuyu at college and the couple in their room...Jimin sleeping while Jungkook doing his works.

Time skip

At dinner

Mr. And Mrs.Jeon went to party so that means only Jihyo,Tzuyu,Jimin,Jungkook is at home.

"Momma isn't here so me and Tzuyu made dinner.Come join with us"Jihyo said and left.

They were at table.Dinner is not silent.The couple were blushing so hard and Tzuyu and Jihyo busy in teasing them!

"It's not what you think!"Jimin said.

"Details please jimin~siii"Jihyo said.

"I'll let you know Jihyo!"Tzuyu said now the conversation is getting awkward.

"You remember when you came to give me water?"Tzuyu continued."After that you went to sleep but i got hiccups so i have to get water again!!!Do you know what i saw there Jungkook oppa kis-"Jungkook covered tzuyu's mouth with his hand before she can complete.

"OPPA!!!Let her complete!!"Jihyo literally shouted.

"It's not that important"Jungkook said taking his hand from tzuyu's mouth.

"Oppa!you can cover my mouth here but i can still tell her in our room"After hearing what tzuyu said Jimin's eyes got widened.

"YAHHH!!!we just kissed"Jimin said.

"Where?"Jihyo asked curiously.

"You really wanna know that?"Jungkook scolded Jihyo.

"Yes"Jihyo continued"tell me oppa"Jihyo completed.

*Jimin points his lips*

Tzuyu and Jihyo mocked ahhh after knowing what he did just now

"Happy?"Jimin said.

"Awww!my baby is getting bolder as day passes"Jungkook said hiding his blushed face.

"Look!who's blushing"Tzuyu commented seeing Jungkook's face.

"That's enough ladies"Jungkook said still trying his best to hide his blushed face.

Next day

Jimin pov

I really don't know why this boy is waking up so early and leaving me alone in bed!

Atleast once I've to wake up earlier and see his sleeping beauty

He looked at his side bed!As usual!There's a note but he decided to read it after getting fresh up

And then he picked up the note!

Hey baby!I'm downstairs!

End of Jimin pov

He rushed to downstairs only to see tzuyu in the table eating her breakfast watching her phone.

When he goes near her to ask where's Jungkook there he is in the phone calling tzuyu!

"Yeoboseyo oppa?"Tzuyu said in doubtful voice.

"Where's Jimin Tzuyu?is he up?i tried calling him 4-5 times why isn't he picking up my phone?"Jungkook asked voice clearly showing that he is in hurry.

"Yeah he is next to me oppa"Tzuyu said seeing Jimin."You wanna spea-"Tzuyu was cut off by Mr.Lee speaking to Jungkook.

Mr.Lee:Sir it's getting late you've to be there in 2 mins.

Jungkook have no other option than to cut his phone without informing.

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