My hero

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Jughead's POV
I was doing the laundry in the basement when all of a sudden I hear a scream. 

Betty's scream. 

A wave a panic flows over me as I blot up the stairs to my love. 


No reply. 

"BETTY!" I shouted as I swing open the door to our bedroom where I see her standing in the corner with a hair brush in her hand. Her eyes fixed on a pair of jeans on the floor. 

Her eyes suddenly lock with mine. 

"J-Jug." She stutters as she drops the hair brush to the floor. 

"What's wrong Betts?" I ask holding her in my arms as I feel wet on my neck. 

"There's a s-spider!" She says trembling. 

"Wait where?" I say chuckling slightly. 

"On my j-jeans." The blonde says as she points an accusing finger towards the item of clothing. 

"Let me go get a cup. I'll be back in a sec." I say walking towards the door. She catches my wrist. 

"Don't leave me here with that thing" She cries.

"Go put a movie on for us down stairs. While I get it. I'll be down to watch it with you in a minute." I assure her. 

"O-Okay." She says walking slowly down the steps. 

Upstairs I try to catch this monster of a spider she is talking about. I grab her jeans shaking them out when  see a tiny spider fall from the material. 

I laugh to myself before letting it crawl into my hands before I release it out our bedroom window. 

I walk downstairs to see her with some snacks on her lap getting ready to press play on 'Rebel without a cause.' 

I sit down on the couch next to her, as she snuggles up closer to me. 

"You're right Betts that was a big spider." It wasn't but it didn't matter because she thought it was. 

"Did you get rid of it?" She asks looking up at me hopefully. 

"Yes I did." I chuckle out grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bag on her lap. 

She kisses my cheek and snuggles further into my side. 

"Thank you my hero." 

"No problem my princess." 

Bughead Oneshots part 2Where stories live. Discover now