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omnscient pov:

on senior ditch day, azi fervently implored kali to skip school with him. one might be surprised at how deeply kali cherished her academic pursuits; school held profound significance for her.

recognizing this, azi understood that convincing her to skip would not be an easy task.

their plan entailed driving approximately an hour away to a renowned park, a locale both azi and kali had never visited before.

azi saw this excursion as a cherished opportunity to celebrate their friendship. to prepare, he dedicated the entire night to meticulously researching the park's amenities. as he delved into his research, the idea of incorporating a picnic seamlessly emerged.

with zeal, azi packed his ford mustang with a picnic blanket, a meticulously curated picnic basket, and other indispensable picnic essentials.

i hope you're ready. he texted kali as he navigated out of his driveway.

i've been ready for the last hour. you should've been here centuries ago. kali teasingly retorted, prompting azi to roll his eyes before nonchalantly dropping his phone into the cupholder.


after an hour's drive, kali and azi arrived at the park, and its beauty surpassed their expectations.

"i would have never imagined that a town like ours would boast a park of this caliber." kali marveled. "i can't believe i haven't visited here before."

kali harbored a deep affection for parks, finding solace in activities as simple as sitting beneath a tree, listening to music, or indulging in coloring pages.

azi, keenly aware of this predilection, considered it an added bonus to bring her to this park after persuading her to skip school.

"let's find a spot." azi suggested, rousing kali from her reverie.

"yeah." she replied, still surveying their surroundings with amusement.


after a brief stroll through the park, they stumbled upon a serene spot in the shade with just the right amount of sunlight filtering through.

they settled down right in front of a picturesque pond, the perfect backdrop for their impromptu picnic.

azi handed kali the basket and laid out the blanket, gesturing for her to take a seat.

"i'm starving." kali exclaimed, rubbing her stomach. "what did you pack?"

with a flourish, azi unveiled the contents of the picnic basket, revealing an assortment of kali's favorite snacks and beverages.

"oh my gosh, you're going to make me cry," kali exclaimed dramatically, eliciting a laugh from azi.

azi blushed slightly, attempting to conceal his embarrassment, though kali couldn't help but notice.

however, she found his bashfulness endearing and opted not to mention it.

once they had finished their sandwiches, they decided to take a leisurely stroll around the pond, which boasted a charming boardwalk leading to the other side.


after packing up their belongings, they embarked on their walk, basking in each other's company and the tranquil ambiance of the park.

kali and azi reluctantly bid farewell to the park around six p.m., having spent an enchanting afternoon exploring its wonders. as they sat in azi's car deliberating their next move, kali's stomach once again voiced its hunger.

"lowkey hungry again." kali announced.

azi nodded in agreement. "agreed. what are you thinking?"

"chipotle?" kali suggested, and azi readily concurred.

azi steered the car towards the nearest chipotle, a twenty-minute drive away. upon arrival, they promptly made their way inside, where azi held the door open for kali with a smile.

kali's face lit up with a grin as she whispered a quick "thank you," prompting a nod and reciprocating smile from azi.

at the counter, kali placed her order for a meticulously customized burrito, while azi opted for a bowl tailored to his preferences.

after a brief deliberation over payment, during which both insisted on covering the bill, they finally settled in at a table with their meals. azi gallantly insisted on covering the expenses, embodying the chivalrous demeanor for which he was known.

azi they savored their food and engaged in lighthearted banter, kali found her thoughts inexplicably drawn to azi, leading to a moment of introspection and realization.


upon returning home around midnight, kali and azi continued their exploration of the town, captivated by its charm. eventually, they arrived at kali's house, where azi inquired if he could stay the night.

"duh." kali responded enthusiastically, prompting nostalgic reminiscence of their long-standing tradition of sleepovers.

after exchanging pleasantries with kali's mother, the trio retired to their respective quarters for the night. as they settled into bed, kali couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of azi that had occupied her mind throughout the day.

"can you come lay with me?" she eventually asked azi, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

azi, though visibly nervous, acquiesced, joining kali in her queen-sized bed. as they exchanged expressions of gratitude and affection, a surge of courage prompted kali to express her feelings openly.

"thanks for today, azi. i had an amazing time. you always know how to make me smile and forget about everything." kali confessed, her voice filled with sincerity.

azi reciprocated her sentiments with a warm smile, expressing his love and appreciation for her in return. for a fleeting moment, they found themselves lost in each other's gaze, the intensity of their emotions palpable in the air.

"fuck it," kali blurted out impulsively, her inhibitions momentarily cast aside as their lips met in a fervent kiss, igniting a long-suppressed passion that had lain dormant for thirteen years.

as they pulled away, laughter bubbled forth, mingling with the palpable tension that hung between them.

"wow." azi breathed, his voice filled with wonder.

"yeah." kali murmured, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and exhilaration.

"talk about it in the morning?" azi suggested, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

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