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omniscient pov:

kali and azi were currently out furniture shopping for their new home. they had been living in their new house for a little over three months now and were just starting to settle in.

with both of them being so busy with work, there was never really time to go to the furniture store. all they had was their bed, a vanity for kali, two dressers.

"how do you feel about purple?" kali asked as she pointed to a purple couch.

"purple? why purple?" azi furrowed his eyebrows.

"um, because purple is bomb and it would complement that gold chandelier in our living room perfectly." kali explained.

"true, true, you've got a point." azi agreed. "but we just walked in, baby. let's look around a little more."

kali did a quick huff and puff but listened to her husband.

"okay, i just don't wanna be here all day." kali stated.

"i'm with you on that. let's just keep our options open." azi suggested, rubbing kali's back. "to be fair, it's a nice couch and a good shade of purple."

the two continued looking around for a while when they found this black couch. it was something they knew they could both agree on, and it would go well with the gold chandelier. it was also a reclining sectional, perfect for family and friends.

azi stayed with the couch as kali walked around the store to find a sales associate. as she was walking, she stopped across a baby section. she saw a baby crib and a matching rocking chair as a set.

she immediately walked over to it and began to check it out. it was a periwinkle and pastel yellow combination, and kali instantly fell in love with it.

"are you expecting?" a woman asked from behind.

kali turned around and looked at the woman, seeing that she was a sales associate.

"no, just looking," kali smiled. "but me and my husband were interested in this couch over there."

the sales associate nodded and followed after kali to azi. on the walk back, all kali could think about was being pregnant one day.

her and azi had talked about it before, but not recently. both of them knew they wanted to have a family with each other.

they just didn't know when they would start the process.


after they picked out their furniture, they headed to some other stores like walmart and target to get some other necessities for themselves and for the house.

right now, they were in target and kali was trying to find some pajamas for her and azi.

when they moved, they threw a lot of stuff away for a fresh start. after looking for about three minutes, she finally saw a pair that she liked and something that she could get azi to wear.

it was a yellow pair with white stripes, so it was plain and simple but cute. she then saw the mini version of it for a baby. she picked it up and went to pay for the things that she had in her arms.

afterward, she went to find azi to see if he was ready. she found him in the food aisle picking out some stuff for the house.

azi looked down and saw kali's bag. "you found us some pajamas?"

kali nodded. "why didn't you just find me first so i could pay for them?"

"i don't know." she lied, and azi knew she was lying. "but we should hurry in here before the movers come with the the furniture."

azi nodded to his wife and just hurried up so they could go to check out. they loaded everything on the conveyor belt and waited to pay as the cashier scanned their items.

once they got to the car, Azi unlocked the doors, opened kali's door, and then went to put everything away.

the ride home was silent. all you could hear was the music that played on volume fifteen. when they got home, kali went straight upstairs, leaving the bag in the car.

i guess you could say she was sad. all kali ever wanted was a family, and she was twenty-seven without any children of her own.

all of her friends had kids, and she was always around them, but it wasn't anything like having her own baby.

trying to get her mind off things, she started this show that her friend, jaslene, recommended to her. it was good so far; it was definitely something different.

azi came upstairs when kali was twenty-three minutes into the show. he had the bag with the pajamas in it as well as some other bags with their personal things in it.

azi sat down next to her and placed the bags on their carpet.

"are you okay, kali? you haven't said anything to me since we were in the store."

"yeah, i'm fine." kali said, still staring at the tv.

azi wasn't having that, though. he grabbed the remote from kali's nightstand and turned the tv off.

"hey!" kali exclaimed, trying to get the remote back. "i was watching that, azi!"

"i don't care. why are you acting like that? if i did something wrong, tell me." azi said, gaining kali's attention.

kali's face immediately started to get hot. she tried to fight the tears back, but they won. she starts bawling, and azi was so confused as to why.


kali picked up the bag with the pajamas in them and threw it at azi. he opened the bag and saw the two adult-sized pairs and then saw the baby pair.

"are you pregnant?" he asked.

"no, azi. i just bought them because i want a baby." she said. "i don't know how else to say it."

azi sat there looking down for a while. "i know how important family is to you, and i'm sorry for not realizing you wanted a family right away."

"it's fine." she said, trying to brush it off. "we're starting to get old and we're almost thirty. we still have no babies. not even a damn puppy."

azi laughed. "i know, i want a baby too. we're just always so busy."

"we have to make time for each other now, especially since we both want a baby." azi nodded.

azi put his arms to hug his wife, and she fell into them.

"i love you, mrs. onfroy." azi expressed to his wife of four years.

"i love you more, mr. onfroy." kali responded.

kali looked up at azi who was looking down at her. they kissed and stayed like that for a few minutes.

now that they both want a baby, it was time to start the baby-making process.

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