Whats all of your daily routines? (also messages of kindness)

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Scientist: I wake up, brush my teeth, have a bowl of bran flakes, have a shower and then I go to work this particular project is taking a lot of my time also love ya too.

Visitor: I wake up at the launch pad and watch the computers all day to make sure no foreign objects are outside or inside the island's bubble also thanks for the love...

Paradigm: T-Thank you for saying I'm cool I don't get that a lot around here as for my daily routine I wake up on the moon base, do all my hygiene related things, say hi to everyone and then get to work on building the mech with the rest of the seven.

Foundation: Well to answer your bald question, when I grow out my hair it looks horrible I look like a worse version of Bob Ross so I shave it and for my daily routine I wake up at Sanctuary and do my patrols and yes whenever I have a break I do eat, drink and do my hygiene.

Origin: Thank you looper for the kind words it's very appreciated I've slowly became more used to this AMA and I 'm now more comfortable with questions about my past so feel free to ask, as for my daily routine I patrol the area outside of sanctuary however when we try and reclaim a P.O.I I'm called to the front lines and I help lead the army to victory, with your help of course.

Order: IT ISN'T A PHASE! Anyway for my daily routine I wake up and stay in my room all day however when I am called to action I will actually go do something maybe say hi to Imagined though it is rare.

Imagined: *snap* *snap* *twirl* YASS SLAY QUEEN as for my daily routine I'm a bit more chaotic I wake up, ditch all my hygiene and instantly get to work with helping Scientist and Paradigm with the mech though I don't think they entirely trust me sometimes I see them whispering in a corner and when I see them they smile and wave like they just weren't talking about me 👁👄👁💅 like what the hell.💅

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