Whats everyone's reaction to Command Cavern becoming Rave Cave?

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Foundation:As of now I'm not able to enjoy it however the images from the loopers and other members of the Seven do give me an insight into the party life I'm looking forward to going there.

Jones: Same here however the snapshot of me had some fun or so I'm told...I

Visitor: Its alright, however the party life is not for me I'm just going to settle down on the launch pad for now...

Order: The lights are a bit to much for me but Imagined had forced me to come along and I enjoyed it, for the most part, the loopers don't exactly respect boundaries especially when intoxicated.

Paradigm: It was definitely a refresher after our fight against the Imagined Order,sadly some people were not happy to see me Scientist had to follow me around the night to make sure I wasn't assassinated.

Scientist: I only went because Paradigm was going and I knew she was going to be targeted by some surprisingly still remaining I.O supporters other then that it was...meh.

Imagined: It was AMAZING! I LOVED IT I WAS SO HAPPY TO SPEND TIME WITH MY SISTER AND MY FRIENDS THE ROLLERCOASTER WAS AWESOME I THREW UP AT LEAST 50 TIMES ON A SINGLE RIDE. Cuddle Team Leader wasn't to happy with me as she had to be one to clean up all the empty drinking apparatuses and vomit.

Origin: I didn't go to Rave Cave, no matter how fun it looked, I am happy we won against I.O of course but I still can't help but feel like some big bad is still out there watching us this very second right under our noses I'll figure it out some day ,I just need to relax...

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