Costa Rica

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Taking a step outside the hospital in Costa Rica Alan remembered back to the first time he was here back in 1993 after the incident in Jurassic Park.


Alan woke to Ellie standing next to him.

"Ellie, are the kids ok?"

Alan's eyes opened wide, standing up he looked at Ellie.

"The kids are fine, Lex is with Tim and he is asking to see you, shall we?"

Ellie took Alan's hand.

The touch of her hand sent a feeling of calmness as he entered Tim's room.

"Well, if it isn't big Tim, the human piece of toast. How are you holding up kid?"

Alan was relieved to see Tim sitting up smiling as he entered the room.

"Alan! I'm good be better if Lex would stop fussing me"

Tim said with an annoyed eye, suddenly he looked sad.

"What's the matter Tim?" Ellie placed her hand on Tim's arm

Tim just looked at Alan. Alan stepped forward and sat beside Tim.

"Now, what's this all about? I'm not leaving till I see you smile again"

Alan had surprised himself, he always thought he wasn't cut out for kids, until he met Lex and Tim. Tim especially. Alan had grown really fond of him.

"Your book, I lost your book when the Rex attacked us"

Tim looked down as if he wanted to cry.

"Well now I think I might be able to help you there. If you promise to smile for me"

Alan smiled as he pulled a book out from his pocket.

"Your book!" Tim smiled in delight as he held the book in his hands.

"Yeah, I went for a walk after the doctors had seen me and Ellie, we found a book shop in town, I noticed my book and I knew you didn't have your copy so I brought you this"

Alan handed the book to Tim.

"Lex this is for you, to replace the one you lost"

Alan handed her a baseball cap. Lex looked in surprise and hugged him tightly.

"Do you have to go Alan?"

Lex wiped a tear away as she hugged Ellie

"Hey now dry those tears, I have to get back to Montana, We both do, but Tim,"

Alan nodded to the book. Tim opened the book and it was Alan and Ellie's contact details written inside. Their faces light up.

"Really? We can visit and write to you?"

Lex and Tim smiled at Alan and Ellie.

"As long as you promise me you will stay in touch your welcome anytime"

Alan lent over and hugged Tim goodbye before turning to Lex

"Lex, look after your brother for me? And your Grandpa too, he will need you both after this"

Alan hugged Lex and she nodded to him.

Ellie then said her goodbyes to the children before leaving with Alan.

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