Chapter XXII

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Camille stood up and Dominic stopped leaning on the door frame, tension seeming to rise up real quick with Marius's words.

"No fucking way."

Dominic spoke before anyone else, and Camille followed up.

"You're overstepping your boundaries, Marius."

He raised his brows, not seeming intimidated at all with the threats.

"If you want my help in stopping something that I am in full support of, and risk my life while doing so, you have to offer me something that will at least be worth my while. You can take my offer, or you can have fun trying to fix this alone."

"Who do you think-"

Emma held her hand up, silencing Camille. Dominic looked at her questioningly.

"Emma... Do you know what a blood oath would mean?"

"I can explain what it exactly means, and what I expect you to do." Marius casually stepped into the conversation again. Dominic was about to speak up but Emma held her hand up to him as well, listening to Marius. That made him look more content.

"Finally someone who listens to reason...", he cracked his knuckles again, watching her, "You will swear loyalty to me and listen to my orders. That will include joining my rebellion, coming over when I call you over, and helping in matters I order you to do. I won't accept any sort of noncompliance, and I will start a blood hunt and personally hunt you down if you disobey my orders or don't hold your end of the agreement."

The tension in the room rose up. Everyone else, even Danielle seemed to object.

"You are expecting a very huge favor from me Emma. I won't compromise, you can either take my offer or watch me get up and walk away." 

"How does my blood oath benefit you more than the elimination of the ancients?"

He smiled, seeming to appreciate her intelligence.

"It's not just you that I seek obedience from. I just think having an ancient under my control would be amusing enough to be worth my while."

She looked at him doubtfully.

"Hysteria is dead, and I am not as strong as Jacob or Jean."

He shook his head and tutted his tongue.

"Naïve, naïve Emma. If I didn't feel her presence in you I wouldn't have made this offer. Don't take me for a fool."

She felt uncomfortable at the idea of being under someone else's orders, but at the same time his help could decide the outcome of the battle they were about to enter.

"I'm the only one who can stop Jean without killing her. If you want to have any chance at somehow reaching out to her without getting mauled you should consider my offer."

"..." he had a point.

"Emma, you don't have to do this. We can find another way."

She didn't feel too swayed by Dominic's words.

"I appreciate the concern, but we're running out of time.", she looked up at Marius, "I accept your offer. You will stall the Crusader and create an opportunity for me to get to Jean, in return I will swear my loyalty to you."

Marius smiled. The tension felt like it was cracking and Camille stood up as well, meaning to object but getting cut off by him immediately.

"You have guts, I respect that. I will hold my end of the deal and help you out, in return I expect you to hold your end of the deal as well."

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