Day 4: One hit is enough

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"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay, ow, that really hurts."

"Oops. I'm sorry, but I need to take them off before you get hurt badly. Tetsuo."


"Don't panic, but, I found a really big one and it's really deep. So brace yourself. Five-"

"Wait, what do you meam brace yourself!? What does that even mean!?"


"I guess I forgot but it sounds really REALLY bad!"


"Wait a minute!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I think I need to pee first."

"Shut up and hold it for a moment....two-"

"Tom! Please! Have mercy!"



You want to know why Tetsuo is screaming right now? And why do I sound like a douche, you ask? Well...*sighs*....meh.

Tom's POV

"Hey Tom?" Said the man with blonde hair. I turn around, still holding a plate to clean, and look up to stare at Tetsuo. "What's up?" I said.

"Are you sure those drinks Mark bought are safe?" He asked, worried. "Well, for him, yeah. He's been doing drunk minecraft for a long time. I'm sure he can handle it himself." Suddenly, we heard glassess shattering above us. Above the kitchen is Mark's room. "Oh no." I murmured.

"What do you mean 'oh no'?"

"I spoke to soon." I ran out of the kitchen, Tetsuo following behind, I ran upstairs, then directly to Mark's room just above the kitchen. I pushed the door open, only drunk brother.

He was sitting on his computer chair, unconscious. He's still in the same position. Him facing his computer where it's always been, him leaning his back to the chair, his head facing up, his mouth open, and an empty bottle in hand. I look down to the floor, revealing shattered glass scattered everywhere.

"Uhh, Tetsuo?"


"Thanks for buying me these flip flops." I pointed my finger down to my feet. "Yeah. I knew it'll come in handy."

I setpped inside Mark's room, stepping some of the shattered glass that came from the broken bottles of alcohol. I slowy walk towards Mark, and creep from his back. I place my hand on his shoulder, then I slightly shook his shoulder. "Pssst. Hey Mark." I whispered. "Is he okay?" Tetsuo asked.

"Yeah. For now, at least." I gestured my to Tetsuo to get here. "Come on, help me pick him up. I'll carry him on the legs and you'll carry the body." I said holding Mark's legs. Suddenly, Tetsuo spun the chair around in 180 degrees. "Hey, what gives?"

"Don't worry. This'll be a piece of cake." Tetsuo took the empty bottle on Mark's hand and gave it to me. He bent down, leveling Mark's height, Tetsuo wrapped his arms around Mark's upper Torso, and just like that, he lifted Mark like a pillow. He bent down and carefully dropped Mark on the bed.

"Wow. That was easy." I said. "Yeah. It's really weird though, because it's either Mark lost weight or I got stronger." He said. I chuckled. I placed the empty bottle on top of the computer table. "Well, I thought Mark's the strongest guy I'll ever knew. But I was proven wrong." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Wow. Uh, thanks. That's the nicest thing I can hear from you. Sometimes I ask myself why did I workout too much."

"Why? It's not really that bad. I mean, you have an amazing built. I'm a bit jealous because....I- I'm too old for, you know, that." I said gesturing at his body. "But seriously, you look fine."

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