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"Regina, can you tell me why you've come to see me today?" Archie asks

"My affairs" I respond. "You know, Regina...usually..when I treat married couples, there is usually two people."
I stay silent. "Why exactly are you here?" He asks. I again, stay silent.

"This is our third session, Regina. We have yet to have any sort of break through." He continues "Can you tell me how many lovers you've had while married?"
"10" I respond.
"How long have you been married?"
"Two years"
"How long has this been going on?"
"11 months"
"That is the only information I know about your situation..."
I stay silent.
"Can you tell me why you cheat on your husband?"
I stay silent.
"Regina, why do you schedule these and come if you plan on never speaking?"
I shrug.

He puts down his pen and notepad. "The fact that you come to these, means you are trying to stop...let me help you."

I take a deep breath. "Ok"i sigh. "Thank you."

"Now, can you tell me, why do you cheat on your husband?" He asks picking back up the pen, ready to write. "To feel something."I say crossing my left leg over my right. "And what do you mean by that?"
"Robin -my husband- just so, boring. The first year of our marriage was...amazing. but I don't know, after a while....he just...stoped caring. So I started seeing other men. The first time, I didn't mean to. I felt so bad. I thought  " how could I do this to him?" But then I went home and was reminded of our loveless marriage."

So it continued, until he started to care again. Out of no where it was like life had been brought back to us. But it was too late. I had lost interest in everything." I start to feel my eyes burn with forming tears.

"So what you're saying is, Robin stoped loving you, so you found love somewhere else and now he's trying to pull you back but you cant?"  "I guess " I shrug. " when was your last affair?" " last night "

"When was the last time you slept with Robin?" I stay silent.  Starting to feel ashamed. "Don't do this again Regina, tell me"

"10 months ago." " shortly after your first time, correct?" I nod. "Why?" "I didn't feel right sleeping with Robin knowing another man had been inside me an hour before." I sigh. "Why didn't you just stop seeing the other men?" I shrug

"Regina, it seemes to me you need to divorce Robin Or stop sleeping with other men who aren't your husband." "I can't divorce him. It's not fair to him" I say buting my nails. "it's not fair to him that you're having affairs."

"What do I do?" I say putting my face in my hand. "You need to find that spark you two once had." He nods.


I finally leave Dr.Archies office and head home. Once there, I park my car and sit there. I think about what Dr.archie said.
I need to stop. But fuck, I forgot about swan. She's coming over. I sigh

Just a casual business dinner, shouldn't be too hard.

After a long time, i walk into my home. I'm soon greeted with a large smile. I hold my arms out and give him a kiss on the lips.
"I'm happy you're home, my love" Robin smiles.

"Today is the day You relax, hunny. I'll be making dinner." I smile, setting my purse down. "Sounds wonderful! What are we having?"

"Chicken breast, with mashed potatoes and green beans." "Sounds wonderful, darling." He says after placing a last kiss on my lips.

"Also, my coworker miss.swan will be coming over." I smile. " swan? I've never heard of her before."He says confused.  "She's new in town. I thought we would be so kind to welcome her."

"I can't wait."


After an hour or two in the kitchen I hear a nock at the door. I untie my apron and set it aside. "Don't worry, my love. I got it" Robin says walking towards the door. He answers it and I start to hear a two sets of footsteps  coming towards the kitchen.

"Hunny, you're guest is here" Robin says. "Welcome miss.swan." I say say pulling out a stool for her at the island.

She looks confused. "Miss.swan, this is my husband Robin, Robin this is miss swan." Her eyes go wide as she holds out her hand to shake Robin's. "Plesure to meet you, Miss.swan" Robin smiles. "Yes, pleasure to meet you." She says awkwardly. 

Robin's phone then rings. "My apologies, but i have to take this." He says exiting the room.

I walk back over to the stove to finish the green beans. "Excuse me?" Emma coughs.
"Yes?" I answer not turning around. "You never said you were married." She exclaims. "You never asked." I respond and laugh a little.  "I was under the impression that this was a date. You don't even wear a ring." " were wrong." Is all I say, ignoring the last comment.

She stayed silent for a while. I stayed facing the beans and dont dare to look at her. I know if I do, I'll fall into flirting and that will fall into me waking up in a bed with her.

After a few seconds I feel her eyes starting at me. I quickly realize there is only one thing she could be looking at.

So I pretended to drop what I was using to season the green beans. When I bend over slowly I hear her breath get heavy. Seemed I was correct.

Shit, well, I guess a little flirting can't hurt, Right?


"So Emma, tell me. Where are you from?" Robin asks. "Boston" She responds. While stuffing her face. "I've never been." Robin smiles.

A silence begins for the second time of the night. I pick up my glass for a sip of wine. "Regina, your breast are amazing." Emma comments. I can't help but to choke. Yup, just a little flirting.the wine spills on my blouse and I cover my mouth, trying to breathe. I hear Emma laughing.  I guess that was pay back. "Hunny, are you ok?" Robin asks. "I'm fine."

I then notice Emma blushing and staring. I look at my blouse and notice it's soaked, making my black laced bra visible. I laugh and stand from the table. Emma does the same. "I should get going." She forces a smiles. "Don't be silly, stay a little longer." I say using a napkin to dab on my breasts.

"No, it's cool, I have some papers to look at." She says after a gulp." "Well then, have a nice night. " Robin says picking up the dishes."

Emma leaves and I continue to clean my mess. Once Robin walks into the kitchen with all the dishes I fallow behind him with napkins. After throwing them away I start to leave the room, but I realize, this is the perfect time to "find our spark". I'm all hot and bothered anyway.

So I stand behind Robin and unbutton my blouse. Once done I let it drop to the floor, along with my skirt. I then kick my heals off and wait for him to notice.

He turns around and I start waking towards him. "Let's not end the night just yet" I whisper in his ear. He starts a kiss and I quickly deepen it. He places his hands on my waist and leads us to the kitchen island. Once there he picks me up and puts me down on top of it.

He brakes the kiss and started to take my bra off

Once off I notice a confused look on his face. I realize what he's starting at. Oh shit.

"Are you ok, my love? You're breast is bruised" he whispers. "I'm fine. I wonder where that came from?" I laugh a little and try to sound as innocent as possible, to be convincing.

"Weird." He says." I must have ran into something." I smile and slowly bring him back into a kiss.

That was close.

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